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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 1. 1996 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:10 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes. Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />City Engineers Tom Angus <br />City Clerks Mary Ann Creager <br />ADDITION TO AGENDA <br />Property appraisals in the Bald Eagle Industrial Parti:. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the following Consent <br />Agenda: <br />Minutes for the City Council meeting of March 14, 1996 <br />Claims for April 1, 1996 <br />1996 Compost Site Hours <br />Variance (Irsfeld) <br />Site Plan Approval (Weber) <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, LaValle seconded, to approve the minutes for the City <br />Council meeting of March 18, 1996, as amended. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />OAKSHORE PARK PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />On February 20, 1996, the City Council tabled consideration of a proposed <br />project to construct sewer, water, street, and drainage improvements to <br />the Oakshore Park subdivision and adjacent areas, pending receipt of <br />randomly -selected property appraisals for the area, and information <br />regarding the age of the area's wells and septic systems. This <br />information was compiled and submitted to the Council, along with the City <br />Administrator's comments and recommendations. The Council then discussed <br />the project at length, and whether to include the property south of <br />Oakshore Park, along Ethan Avenue, in the improvement project. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to proceed with the Oakshore Parti: <br />improvement project with the following course of action being taken: <br />1. No further action be taken until the improvements foreseen as part of <br />the Woods of Bald Eagle Subdivision are finalized through a signed <br />Development Agreement and posting of necessary escrows. Cost <br />estimates for the Oakshore Park improvements are based on the <br />improvements of the Woods of Bald Eagle development occurring first. <br />2. Feasibility hearing. <br />3. A Chapter 429 assessment hearing be conducted and assessments levied. <br />This would allow the Council to secure the major funding source for <br />the improvement prior to spending additional public funds on the <br />project. <br />