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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15. 1996 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:10 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />City Engineer, Tom Angus <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />Schedule Council self-evaluation workshop <br />Letter from.Greg Galler regarding Browns Creek Watershed <br />Resident discussion of Resolution 1995-15 <br />Granger's, Inc., (Site Plan Approval) <br />Amended Stipulation Agreement (Ricci's) <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve the following Consent <br />Agenda: <br />Minutes for the City Council <br />Minutes for the City Council <br />Claims for April 15, 1996 <br />3.2 Beer License (Hugo Lions <br />Park Use (Good Neighbor Days) <br />Park Use (Wilson Tool) <br />Park Use (Olsen) <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />meeting of April 1, 1996 <br />meeting of April 8, 1996 <br />Club) <br />STIPULATION AGREEMENT (RICCI'S) <br />The City Attorney and the City Administrator prepared a Stipulation <br />Agreement regarding the allegations that an employee of Senor Ricci's of <br />Hugo, Inc., sold alcohol to an underage individual on the premises of <br />Ricci's on March 2, 1996. This Agreement would replace a formal hearing <br />before the Council, and the business owner has consented to the Agreement. <br />LaValle made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the amended Stipulation <br />Agreement between the City of Hugo and Senor Ricci's. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BCWMO FUNDING REQUEST <br />A memo submitted by the the City's Finance Director shows the funding <br />requested by the HCWMO for 1996. The City had budgeted $2,807 for <br />contribution to the WMO, based on the Organization's original request to <br />the City. Since the budget was prepared. Brown's Creek has increased <br />their desired budget by $12,000, and is requesting an extra $1,515.52 from <br />the City this year to provide matching funding for proposed grants and due <br />to expected increases in administrative expenses. Mr. Dave Truax, the <br />City's representative to Brown's Creek, was present at the meeting to <br />discuss the request. <br />