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City Council meeting of April 15, 1996 <br />Page 2 <br />LaValle made motion. Goiffon seconded, authorizing an additional <br />expenditure of $1,515.52 for payment to the 6CWMO in 1996. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The City reviewed a letter from Greg Galler, Grant Township's attorney, <br />regarding Grant Township's interest in dissolving the WMO and creating a <br />watershed district. After a lengthy discussion regarding the pros and <br />cons of a WMO and a district, the following motion was made: <br />LaValle made motion, Miron seconded, directing the City Attorney to draft <br />a letter for Council review, stating that the City of Hugo supports an <br />enhanced WMO, but if not implemented, would be willing to create a <br />district. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />STREET VACATION PETITION <br />The Council considered a petition by Kenco Construction and Cary and <br />Valerie Weisner for the vacation of a 66' wide road easement south of <br />145th Street extended from Geneva Avenue. This roadway has not been <br />constructed. The applicants request the vacation in order to meet City <br />requirements for the proposed Rice Lake Meadows 4 subdivision. The two <br />applicants own the property abutting over 50 of the road easement. Staff <br />recommended establishing May 6, 1996 as the hearing date to consider the <br />petition. Jim Merila, engineer for the project, was present to answer <br />questions posed by Councilman LaValle regarding creation of the easement <br />in 1986. LaValle felt that the easement should have been shown on Rice <br />Lake Meadows 2nd Addition. Mr. Merila was of the opinion that this issue <br />was to be discussed by the Planning Commission at their meeting of April <br />24, 1996. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, to table discussion of this matter <br />until after the Planning Commission has had an opportunity to review the <br />request. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FINDINGS OF FACT (HOMESTEAD AVENUE POND IMPROVEMENT) <br />The Council considered a Findings of Fact to support the City's <br />improvement to Homestead Avenue pond by the construction of a new outlet <br />weir for the drainage area. The Findings were prepared by the City <br />Attorney based on past Council discussion, recommendations from the <br />project engineer, and the City Administrator. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux, seconded, to accept the Findings of Fact to <br />support the City's improvement to the Homestead Avenue pond, as presented. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />