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City Council meeting of May 6 <br />Page 2 <br />GARBAGE COLLECTOR'S LICENSE (RED ARROW) <br />Red Arrow Waste Disposal Services, Inc., 44 Acker Street, St. Paul, MN., <br />requested a license to collect garbage, refuse, and recycling material <br />from commercial, residential, and multiple -residential locations in the <br />City of Hugo. A licence is currently available due to Lake Sanitation not <br />reapplying for their license. The City has received the required proof of <br />liability insurance, workmen's compensation insurance, the application <br />fee, and investigative fee, as required by Ordinance. References have <br />been checked which indicate that the firm will provide adequate, reliable <br />service to their customers. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to grant a Garbage, Refuse, and <br />Recyclable License to Red Arrow, 44 E. Acker Street, St. Paul, MN. The <br />license shall expire on 12/31/96. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LOUCK*S AGREEMENT (ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS) <br />The Council reviewed an Agreement between the City of Hugo and Loucks and <br />Associates, for the preparation of a revised City Zoning Ordinance and <br />subdivision regulations. A letter was forwarded to Loucks and Associates <br />by the City Administrator requesting that certain changes be made to the <br />Agreement, with no response from them as of this date. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the Agreement, between the <br />City of Hugo and Loucks and Associates, for the preparation of a revised <br />City Zoning Ordinance and subdivision regulations. Approval is subject to <br />Loucks and Associates accepting the proposed changes. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST FOR SPEED REDUCTION (FREELAND AVENUE <br />The Council considered a request from a resident of Freeland Avenue to <br />reduce the speed limit on Foxhill, Geneva, and Freeland Avenues, south of <br />C.R. 8A, and/or the installation of WATCH FOR CHILDREN signs in these <br />areas. The City Attorney addressed the Council's legal authority to <br />establish speed limits on residential streets at the meeting. It was <br />agreed by the Council that signs will not lower the speed on the mentioned <br />streets, and that the problem is "people" who are inconsiderate. <br />LaValle made motion, Miron seconded, that staff contact the author of the <br />letter stating that it is the Council's opinion that signs in the area <br />will not curb speeding, and the Washington County Sheriff's Office be <br />contacted to enforce speed limits in the area. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REFUND OF THE LIONS CLUB DONATION <br />In June, 1994, the Hugo Lions Club had donated $3,200 to the City for the <br />Purchase of additional playground equipment. Because the City had not <br />