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1996.05.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1996 CC Minutes
1996.05.20 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of May 20 1996 <br />Page 2 , <br />structures on/in public waters of the state. The Washington County <br />Sheriff has determined to grant such permits only after they are approved <br />by the city or township in which the structure is to be located. It <br />should be noted that the permit relates only to the placement of the <br />structure and not the use of the water -body. The sheriff's denial of the <br />placement for a buoy: raft, or ski jump, does not prohibit the use of the <br />water -body for water-skiing or other permitted uses. Pursuant to the <br />sheriff's decision, the City has received applications to mark water-ski <br />slalom courses on Sunset Lake and Egg Lake, and mark a water-ski slalom <br />course and ski jump on Round Lake. The City has not received any <br />complaints on the marking of slalom courses or erection of ski jumps on <br />any lake in the community, though it has received a complaint regarding <br />water-skiing on Long Lake. It is staff's understanding that the City's <br />approval of the application is advisory only, and does not incur any <br />liability for the City. Given that the primary issue to the sheriff is <br />local acceptability of these courses, staff proposed two options for the <br />Council to consider: <br />1. Conduct a public hearing on each request with notice of the hearing <br />published in the legal newspaper of the City. <br />2. Administratively approve each request unless a public hearing is <br />requested. <br />It was the opinion of the City Attorney that the City not get involved in <br />the issuance of these permits, as it is the responsibility of the <br />sheriff's office. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, that the City draft a letter to the <br />Washington County Sheriff stating the City's position in the issuance of <br />Water Surface Use Permits. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />1996 STREET MAINTENANCE PLAN <br />The Council considered an amended 1996 street maintenance plan to include <br />scheduled seal coating, crack filling, and graveling. Mike K:riz was <br />present to comment on his proposal. <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the 1996 Street Maintenance <br />Plan to seal coat, crack fill, and gravel certain City roads. Major <br />repairs will need to be budgeted for in conjunction with a capital <br />improvement project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />NORTH WATER TOWER MAINTENANCE <br />It has been a number of years since the north water tower has been <br />drained, cleaned, and inspected. The recent construction of the south <br />tower now allows this work to be done without affecting the City's water <br />supply to its residents. The City Engineer has obtained a price of $2,750 <br />to perform the work. This includes pressure washing and disinfecting the <br />reservoir, inspection of the interior of the tank and the cathodic <br />
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