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1996.05.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1996 CC Minutes
1996.05.20 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of May 20, 1996 <br />Page 3 <br />protection system, and exterior inspection of the tank. Funding for this <br />project will come from the water utility fund, and staff requested <br />approval of the project. The City Engineer stated that, at this time, <br />only inside work will be performed on the tower. <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, that the City enter into a contract <br />with H & H Water Tower for inside tower cleaning, in the amount of <br />$1,150.00, and American Engineering & Testing for tower condition survey, <br />in the amount of $19600.00. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE REVIEW FORM <br />One of the established priorities set by the Council for 1996 is the <br />implementation of performance evaluations for City employees. The Council <br />considered and reviewed a performance evaluation form proposed to <br />implement the system. Council member Barnes suggested that the form <br />include employee "professionalism" and whether employees deal with <br />coworkers in a respectful manner. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the Employee Performance <br />Review form with the recommended changes. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PROBATIONARY REVIEW (KRIZ) <br />Mr. Michael Kriz was employed as the City's Maintenance Supervisor on <br />September 16, 1995. The City Administrator recently conducted his <br />six-month probationary review and recommended that his probationary status <br />be ended and that he be offered continued employment with the City as a <br />regular full-time employee. Mr. Museus stated that he was very impressed <br />with Mr. Kriz's work performance and recommended that he be given a 5% pay <br />increase effective with the next pay period. <br />Barnes made motion, LaValle seconded, that the City of Hugo offer Mike <br />Kriz continued employment with the City as a regular full-time employee, <br />and he be given a 5% pay increase effective with the next pay period. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISIONS <br />The Council considered a summary of the additional information requested <br />from the Metro Council in their review of the City's revised Comprehensive <br />Plan. Most of the information will be provided by Mr. Ed Elliott, the <br />consultant who assisted the City in preparation of the revised Plan. <br />There are two items which require Council consideration: <br />1. The Metro Council has requested Tier I and Tier II comprehensive sewer <br />plan and updated water supply plan. The City Engineer has provided a <br />cost estimate of $33,000 to develop these plans, and also estimates <br />
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