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City Council meeting of May 28, 1996 <br />Page 2 <br />John Latourelle, 14655 Forest Blvd., expressed concerns regarding the <br />impact of development on Egg Labe, and asked if the City has performed an <br />environmental review on the project. The Council responded that one of <br />the reasons for undertaking this project is for protection of Egg Lake and <br />the natural environment, and the environmental impact of development will <br />be considered as part of the process. <br />Carl Nordquist indicated that he is looking at selling his property, and <br />questioned the timing of the City's redevelopment efforts, and whether the <br />City would be involved in purchasing homes for redevelopment. The Council <br />responded that it was too early in the planning process to provide answers <br />to Mr. Nordquist's questions, but the City would work with residents to <br />achieve their individual goals as best as possible given the overall plan <br />for the downtown area. <br />Lori Crowley, 14716 Fondant Avenue, stated that she had moved into her <br />home in Hugo seeking to avoid problems associated with an urban <br />environment, and was concerned that the downtown redevelopment would <br />change the residential character of her neighborhood. <br />Martin Gamboni, 14715 Forest Blvd., stated that she has lived in her home <br />for 40 years, and wanted to know whether the City would force her to <br />move. The Council informed her that they hoped that she would continue to <br />live in her home for a good number of years, and it was not their intent <br />to force her out of her house. <br />Jim Powell, 14625 Forest Blvd., expressed concerns with the possible <br />increase in crime from the more dense development proposed for the <br />downtown area. <br />FIFE HALL SITE SELECTION <br />The Council considered the selection of a site for the proposed new Fire <br />Hall. Fire Chief, Jim Wisner, made a presentation to the Council of nine <br />locations that the Fire Department felt would meet the criteria <br />established previously by the Council. The City Administrator suggested <br />two locations, and Councilman LaValle suggested one location. Through <br />discussion, it was determined to have the staff develop more detail on the <br />following areas: <br />1. <br />The <br />American Legion property on <br />Oneka Lake <br />Boulevard. <br />2. <br />The <br />City -owned property west of <br />T.H. 61 and <br />north of Flay Avenue. <br />_. <br />The <br />southeast quadrant of Fenway <br />Avenue and <br />140th Street. <br />4. <br />The <br />northwest quadrant of 140th <br />Street and <br />T.H. 61. <br />5. <br />The <br />area of approximately 152nd <br />Street west <br />of T.H. 61. <br />6. <br />The <br />intersection of Everton Avenue <br />North and <br />C.S.A. S. <br />COUNCIL EVALUATION <br />The City Administrator then presented the Council with the results of the <br />self-evaluation questionnaire previously provided to the Council. <br />Generally, the comments received were positive with some areas needing <br />additional attention in order to improve the efficiency and team work in <br />Council activities. Councilman Leroux felt that at times positive actions <br />