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City Council meeting of July 15, 1996 <br />Fuge 4 <br />2. The Contract should obtain a clause stating that work orders under the <br />Contract may be submitted to the County by the City's Administrator, <br />Engineer, or Maintenance Supervisor, only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FIREFIGHTER APPOINTMENTS <br />The Council considered a recommendation by the City's Fire Chief for the <br />appointment of Dean H. White and Chad Olson to the Hugo Volunteer Fire <br />Department on a probationary status. <br />Leroux, made motion, Barnes seconded, to appoint Dean White and Chad Olson <br />to the Hugo Volunteer Fire Department for a 12 -month probational period. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BCWMO HEARING <br />A public hearing will be conducted on July 31, 1996, by the Washington <br />County Soil and Water Conservation District to consider a petition by the <br />City of Oak. Park Heights to dissolve the BCWMO. The Council, in the past, <br />has supported either granting additional authority to the WMO to make it <br />more effective in caring out its duties or establishing a watershed <br />district to replace the WMO. It is likely that, if it is determined to <br />dissolve BCWMO, it will be combined with another watershed district in <br />order to provide sufficient tax base for full-time employees. The <br />Council's position regarding that matter has been documented, so no <br />further action is necessary. The Council then discussed May Township's <br />dissolution of their Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Hugo. The <br />Mayor has suggested that a final joint meeting be held to notify residents <br />of the status of the project. It was determined that the Mayor will <br />appear before the May Town Board at their meeting of August 1, 1996. <br />COUNCIL VACANCY <br />Public notice of the vacancy for the Ward 1 Council member seat was <br />published in the White Bear Press on July 10, 1996, and individuals <br />interested in serving on the Council were encouraged to respond to the <br />City by July 26, 1996. It is expected that the list of potential <br />candidates for the position will be made available to the Council on or <br />before August 5, 1996. This item required no action by the Council. <br />CORRESPONDENCE <br />The Mayor received a letter from the League of Minnesota Cities requesting <br />a payment of $42' from the City to cover costs to challenge US West's <br />efforts to control public rights of way. Staff is to make a report at thF <br />Council meeting of August 5, 1996. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux, seconded, to adjourn at 9:15 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mary Creager, Clerk: <br />