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City Council meeting of August 5. 1996 <br />Page 4 <br />ANIMAL CONTROL LITIGATION <br />On July 30. 1996, the City of Hugo received Summons and Notice of Claim by <br />legal firm of Mansfield and Tanick, representing the American Dog Owners <br />Association. The Association claims that portions of the City's Animal <br />Control Ordinance are unconstitutional, specifically: <br />1. Section 1.6, which allows government employees in the conduct of their <br />duties to enter upon the premises of residents of the City to enforce <br />the Animal Control Ordinance (implied consent). <br />2. Section 1.19 (B) where an individual picking up a dog, impounded by <br />the. City, must sign a document acknowledging that the dog's rabies <br />vaccination and City's dog license are not current <br />(self-incrimination). <br />3. Section 11.5, which requires dog owners to provide humane care and <br />treatment, sufficient good and wholesome food, water, proper shelter <br />and protection from the weather, and veterinary care for the dogs in <br />their custody (too vague). <br />The City Attorney reviewed this litigation with the Council. No action <br />was required. <br />ONE DAY 2 BEER LICENSE (WILSON TOOL) <br />On behalf of Wilson Tool, Metro Food has applied for a one -day .=.2 beer <br />license for Wilson Tool's company picnic to be held at the City park on <br />AUqust 10, 1996. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, approving the one -day 3.2 beer <br />license for Metro Foods on August 10, 1996, for the Wilson Tool company <br />picnic. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />EHNSTROM (SPECIAL USE PERMIT) <br />Lawrence and Kathleen Ehnstrom, 14043 Fondant Avenue, have requested a SUP <br />to construct an 26' x •'0' accessory building in the SFU zone where 260 sq <br />ft is allowed. The Ehnstroms' lot location was clarified, and a <br />newly -designed site plan was submitted. <br />LeroUX made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the SUP request of Lawrence <br />and Kathleen Ehnstrom, 14043 Fondant Avenue, to construct a 26' X, ?(-_). <br />accessory building, subject to the following conditions: <br />1. The two lots owned by the Ehnstroms shall be combined, if not already <br />done. <br />2. The proposed building shall be constructed with similar siding as the <br />principal residence. <br />3. The proposed building shall be used for residential purposes only. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />