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1996.09.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1996 CC Minutes
1996.09.16 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of September 16, 1996 <br />Page 3 <br />Transportation Plan". This Plan includes revisions to the County's County <br />State Aid Highway System. As a part of this Plan, C.R. 8A will be added <br />to the County's State Aid Highway system and be eligible for State funding <br />for its improvement. This will lead to a redesignation of C.R. 8A to CSAH <br />8. The County's 5 -year Capital Improvement Plan shows that this roadway, <br />from Goodview Avenue to C.R. 7, is scheduled for reconstruction in 1999. <br />State Aid rules require local municipalities approve new County State <br />Highway designations, and such approval is requested from the Council. <br />The City's Transportation Plan shows C.R. 8A as a collector street for the <br />community, and as such, the availability of State Aid Transportation <br />dollars for this roadway will be of benefit to the City. Staff <br />recommended the Council approve the new CSAH designation. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 96-9, A <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING THE NEW CSAH DESIGNATION FOR C.R. 8A, AND ITS <br />ADDITION TO THE COUNTY'S STATE AID HIGHWAY SYSTEM. <br />VOTING AYE: Agness, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />HARDWOOD CREEK TRAIL MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />The Council reviewed a copy of the Hardwood Creek Trail Corridor <br />Management Plan, as prepared by Washington County. This is the County's <br />construction and management plan for the regional trail to be constructed <br />along the abandoned railbed from C.R. 8 north to Chisago County. The Plan <br />shows approximately a 22' wide corridor transversing the community, <br />including a 10' wide bituminous trail for pedestrian and bicycle use, and <br />an adjacent 10' wide grass area for equestrian use. The Management Plan <br />does not include a snowmobile route as part of the trail. The County will <br />construct and maintain the trail, mowing the grass monthly, as required. <br />Any additional aesthetic improvements or more frequent mowing would be the <br />responsibility of the municipality in which the trail lies. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, directing staff to prepare a letter, <br />for Council review, to Washington County stating that the City approves of <br />the Trail Plan, and ask that the trail crossing of Hardwood Creek be <br />constructed so as not to obstruct drainage, and that an additional culvert <br />be constructed to drain from east to west across the trail in the vicinity <br />of 167th Street. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING NEGOTIATIONS FOR PROPERTY PURCHASE AND SALES <br />The Council considered a resolution directing the City Administrator to <br />negotiate contracts for the purchase of approximately 80 acres lying <br />adjacent to T.H. 61, between the Bald Eagle Industrial Park and 140th <br />Street, for the purposes of expanding the Industrial Park. Also included <br />in the resolution is direction for the City Administrator to begin <br />negotiations to sell the subject property to the various businesses which <br />have expressed an interest in locating in the community. Such <br />
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