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MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Agness, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Museus, City Administrator; Ron Otkin, <br />Finance Director; Todd Hubmer, WSB & Assoc. <br />A special meeting of the Hugo City Council was called to order by the <br />Mayor at 7:30PM to review proposed stormwater management projects to be <br />included in the City's 1997 budget. <br />Ron Otkin informed the Council that due to higher than expected growth in <br />the City's property tax base, the City's existing tax rate will generate <br />$53,010 more than originally estimated. <br />Todd Hubmer, reviewed work plans for three projects his firm would be <br />responsible for, including a plan for improvements to Hardwood Creek, <br />Clearwater Creek's Channel, and determining an outlet location for Oneka <br />Lake Project. <br />The intent of the Hardwood Creek Drainage Plan is to determine the <br />greatest possible drainage capacity of Hardwood Creek, given topographic <br />and regulatory restrictions, 3n order to reduce flooding along the creek <br />and it's headwaters, as well as, identify development concerns for the <br />basin. The City's study will be performed in cooperation with a study <br />being undertaken by the Rice Creek Watershed District to determine the <br />Creek's historic channel elevation. The City's project will result in a <br />management plan which addresses future system needs in the basin and <br />identifies improvements required to manage projected stormwater runoff in <br />the watershed. <br />The Clearwater Creek Channel Improvement Project implements the City's <br />Clearwater Creek Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. It is <br />envisioned to be a joint project with Lino Lakes and Rice Creek Watershed <br />District creating a regional stormwater management system which adds <br />stormwater storage capacity and improves the low flow drainage <br />characteristics of the sub -watershed, and enhances water quality. Given <br />the Bald Eagle Industrial Park Plan is implemented, the City"s share of <br />the capital improvement costs may be derived from impact fees charged <br />against the park. Any additional capacity for stormwater storage created <br />beyond the needs of the industrial park will be "sold" to future <br />developments in the basin through the levying of impact fees, creating a <br />funding mechanism for future stormwater improvements in the community. <br />The engineering proposed by WSB's scope of work culminates in the <br />preparation of the plans and specifications for the project. <br />The Oneka Lake Outlet Project is meant to determine a course of action for <br />the creation of a controlled outlet from Oneka Lake. It will culminate in <br />a public hearing and subsequent Council decision on where an outlet from <br />the lake should be created. Future plan implementation could be funded <br />from a Chapter 444 assessment, the general tax levy, or leveraging private <br />development through the permitting process, or through charging impact <br />fees. <br />The City Administrator also gave the Council an update on the School <br />Sections/Goggins Lake study proposed to determine the <br />