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feasibility of the outlet from the basin and provide information to obtain <br />necessary permits. Hugo and Grant Township have signed the joint powers <br />agreement to conduct the study and the City is now awaiting the City of <br />Stillwater's agreement to participate. Following completion of the study; <br />(approximately 30 days following the City of Stillwater's signing the <br />point powers agreement) a public hearing will be held to decide whether to <br />proceed with the project. It is expected that assessments will be made <br />under Chapter 444 to fund the proposed outlet from the basin. <br />Total cost of the stormwater engineering work to be completed 1997 is <br />estimated at $60,130.00. $125,000 has been allocated from general <br />engineering expenses in the City's proposed 1997 budget. <br />The Council took the recommended projects under advisement. <br />Financing of the new fire hall and how it is to be explained to the public <br />prior to the referendum was discussed by the Council. At issue was how <br />the City's growing property tax base would impact the additional tax levy <br />required to pay the debt service on the new facility. Though it is <br />obvious that new growth in the community will reduce the impact of the <br />debt service levy for the fire hall on individual property owners in the <br />future, the amount of the impact cannot be guaranteed due to fluctuations <br />in growth rates. In addition, the current city council cannot bind future <br />city councils as regards to use of the property taxes and any claim of <br />reduction may be misleading to the public. It is also true that the <br />dollar amount of the debt service requirement will not change, just the <br />way that these funds are levied. For these reasons, the Council <br />determined to use the maximum possible impact of the debt service for the <br />new fire hall as a basis for explaining the property tax implications of <br />the project. <br />At 8:30PM, Leroux made motion, seconded by Miron to adjourn <br />Upon roll call, all voted aye. <br />Robert Museus <br />City Administrator <br />