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1996.10.29 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
City Council
City Council Minutes
1996 CC Minutes
1996.10.29 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
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AENUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCEL MEETING OF OCTOBER 29, 19% <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:50 PM. <br />PRESENT: Agness, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Finance Director, Ron Otkin <br />City Public Works Director, Mike Kriz <br />City Engineer, Tom Angus <br />This special meeting was called to discuss the following issues: <br />1. Consider capital improvements and major street work to be performed in the City in <br />1997. <br />2. Review of proposed 5 -year capital improvement plan requested by the Metropolitan <br />Council. <br />3. Consider a staff report recommending the establishment of a water meter replacement <br />program in the City. <br />The Council fust considered the City's Maintenance Supervisor's recommendation for <br />sealcoating, graveling, and crack filling work to be performed in 1997, at a total estimated <br />cost of $76,000.00. Roads proposed for sealcoating were generally constructed during the <br />period of 1992 and 1993. 165th Street, between Elmcrest Avenue and Forest Blvd., and <br />Elmcrest Avenue, from Frenchman Road to 180th Street were recommended for graveling. <br />The Elmcrest Avenue gravel project will be done in conjunction with the City of Lino <br />Lakes, as this is a shared street. $5,000 is record to be set aside for crack filling in <br />1997. Currently, City streets have all been crack filled, and the amount of money to be set <br />aside is to handle the additional requirements that may occur during the coming year. The <br />impact of the recommended maintenance work on the City's 1997 budget will be to <br />increase the materials account by $8,000. The City's Finance Director indicated that he <br />could do this, potentially, through savings in the County contract account. The Council <br />indicated that changes to the budget should be made, and presented as part of the final <br />budget approval process. <br />The City's Maintenance Supervisor then briefly went over a list of streets that he had <br />prepared that will require capital improvements in the future, to include reconstruction, <br />overlays, and drainage improvements. The City Administrator stated that the City will <br />need a capital improvement program for streets. The Council directed the City Engineer to <br />prepare a scope of work and cost estimate for conducting an evaluation of City streets and <br />establish condition ratings for prioritizing work effort. It was mutually agreed that this <br />scope of work will be provided in April, 1997, and the Council will use this information on <br />their road tour, after spring thaw. <br />The City Administrator reviewed the proposed 1997 capital improvement plan with the <br />Council. This plan was generated Som a priority -setting process previously conducted by <br />
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