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Council meeting of October 29, 1996 <br />Page 2 <br />the Council, as well as information taken fiom the City's Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer <br />and Water Plan. Almost all of the projects proposed in 1997 are contingent upon events <br />outside the direct control of the City. There was substantial discussion regarding the need <br />for additional wells and a new water tower in the community. The City Engineer <br />recommended that the City plan to construct an additional well in the fall of 1997, to serve <br />the projected growth and demand in the community. A new tower would provide extra <br />pressure and be beneficial for the City for fire flows in the community, though it is not <br />absolutely necessary at this time. The City Administrator expressed concern that the large <br />amount of work proposed for the utility fund may not be financially feasible, and <br />recommended that the City's Finance Director and Eagineer work together to develop an <br />improvement plan for theCity's utilities to insure service quality and financial feasibility. <br />The Council indicated that the work on such plan should begin in the near future. <br />The Council then reviewed a proposed 5 -year capital improvement plan for the <br />community. This document was requested by the Metro Council as part of their review of <br />the City's recently revised Comprehensive Plan. Projects in the plan were generated <br />through the Council priority -setting program in the summer of 1996. The City <br />Administrator informed the Council that the plan could not be looked upon as being a <br />definitive statement of the City's intent to construct the improvements over the next five <br />years, as the City's Comprehensive Park Plan is currently under development, and will <br />have an impact on the City's expenditures during this time flame. Also, the capital <br />improvement plan for the utility fund will also have a major impact on the projects being <br />undertaken by the City in the future. Given these reservations, a plan needs to be provided <br />to Metro Council as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan. <br />Miran made motion, Goiffon seconded, to adopt the 5 -year capital improvement plan as <br />presented. <br />All aye. Motion Carried <br />The City's Maintenance Supervisor then presented the Council with a plan to replace all of <br />the existing water meters in the community, at an estimated cost of $5,000, for two <br />reasons: <br />1. The current meters used by the City will soon no longer be produced and are obsolete. <br />2. Many of the existing meters in the community are no longer f inctional. <br />3. New technology allows water meters to be read by computers over the telephone line <br />saving on labor costs. <br />Under current City policy, the City will replace the existing water meters. New meters <br />added to the system are paid for by the builders as homes are constructed. Given the <br />growth in the community, the sooner the meters are replaced the less cost to the City. <br />