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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 11/18/96 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:13PM. <br />PRESENT: Aguess, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />City Engineer, Toa Angus <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />General Claims <br />Charitable Gambling License (Fraternal Order of Eagles #94) <br />Site Plan Approval (U.S. Pont Office) <br />Letter from May Township <br />Ed Waller (Drainage) <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />City Council minutes for November 4, 1996 <br />City Council minutes for November 6, 1996 <br />Charitable Gambling License (St. John's Church) <br />Charitable Gambling License (Centemnial Fire Fighters) <br />Minor Subdivision (Anderson) <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />GENERAL CLAIMS <br />Barnes made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the General Claims for November 18, <br />1996 in the amount of $17,426.88. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE (EAGLES) <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the Charitable Gambling License for the <br />Fraternal Order of Eagles #94 to sell pulltabs, tipboards, paddlewheels, and conduct raffles <br />at the Keystone Lounge, 12010 Keystone Avenue, and waiver of the 30 -day waiting period. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT (CHILD CARE FACILITIES) <br />At the Council meeting of November 4, 1996, the City Council conducted a hearing on a <br />proposed ordinance amending the City's zoning ordinance by allowing child care facilities in <br />all zoning districts of the City. At that time, the Council questioned if the ordinance <br />limitations on the number of children permitted in a daycare facility in a residential district <br />