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f l ': f'tll:ll"iF imofaf-:ing c)f January 17, ].995 <br />Page 4 <br />was requested to provide the Council a cost estimate for preparing a <br />feasibility report for development of the site north of Flay Avenue for <br />use as a Post Office site. The Council may also wish to consider the City <br />becoming involved in the acquisition of the home located in the northwest <br />quadrant of 147th Street and the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way <br />for potential use of the Post Office. After discussion of the two sites <br />available, the Council determined that the property north of Flay Avenue <br />was the better site for relocation of the Post Office. <br />OLD SCHOOL HOUSE RENOVATIONS <br />Based on Council request, City staff reviewed the feasibility of <br />renovating the old school house located at T.H. 61 and County Road 4 to be <br />used by public organizations and, potentially, as a rest stop along the <br />County bike trail proposed between Forest Labe and Hugo. The Council <br />received a report outlining the cost for Such development, and the <br />potential for obtaining a federal grant to partially pay for the project <br />through the Intramodel Surface Transportation Efficiency Act. The City <br />Engineer provided a cost -estimate to the City for developing a <br />concept -plan for redevelopment of this site in preparation for submitting <br />the grant application, at a cost of $4,:_.(_)0.00. After a lengthy discussion <br />as to whether the City should a>:pend money to upgrade the facility, the <br />following motion was made: <br />M.i ron made motion, L.eroUX seCOnr_ied , that. the City enter into an operating <br />agreement with OSM to provide [-professional, architectural, and eng.ineerinc <br />services in association with the proposed feasibility study for the <br />renovation of the old school, and make application for a federal grant <br />through ISTEA. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, l._erolA>', Mi. ron <br />VOTING NAY: Goi.ffon, LaValle <br />Motion Carried. <br />COUNTY ROAD BA IMPROVEMENTS <br />The Council discussed again the need for a walking/bike path adjacent to <br />County Road BA. After review of -the construction plans, Council member <br />Barnes determined that a 5 foot concrete path could be constructed within <br />the existing right-of-way. Dialogue between the City and property owners <br />will have to be reestablished as it is their assumption that no sidewalk <br />was to be constructed as part of the County's improvement project. <br />LeroUX made motion, Goiffon seconded, authorizing City staff to enter into <br />an agreement with TKDA for preparation of a feasibility report on the <br />construction of a 5 foot concrete walking path along County Road BA from <br />T.H. 61 east to Goodview Avenue, schedule an informational meeting with <br />adjoining property owners, and schedule a public hearing for February 6, <br />1995, to allow property owners to formally address the Council regarding <br />the project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />