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City Council meeting of February 6, 1995 <br />Page ? <br />the following comments, opposing the project, were made: snowmobiles <br />closer to their front door, attract more children to the area, homeowner <br />liability, increase in property value/taxes, taking of front yards, and <br />the possibility of backing out of driveway and hitting a child. The <br />public hearing was closed, and referred to the Council for discussion. It <br />was the consensus of the Council that the project was needed for safety <br />reasons, and should be considered a community project not just a <br />neighborhood project. <br />Barnes made motion, LaValle seconded, that the City accept the feasibility <br />report from TKDA for the 5' concrete sidewalk to be installed along the <br />south side of County Road BA from Goodview Avenue west to T.H. 6.1. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Barnes made motion, LaValle seconded, that:. the City authorize Washington <br />County Public Works to direct. TK.DA to include the 5' sidewalk; in the <br />improvement plans for County Road 8A. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT <br />Sheriff Jim Frank:., Captain Mike John .(-)n, Under Sheriff Ted Brown, Serqeant <br />Jim Fure, and Mr. Yale Norwick of thE-s Washington County Sheriff's <br />Department were present at the meeting to diSCUE.S the Service Contract <br />between Hugo and the Sheriff's Dept. <br />COUNCIL WORM:: PRIORITIES <br />Staff tabulated the priorities worksheets, as completed by the City <br />CounCi 1 , as a basis for Council acti.nn to fr..)rmal ly establish work <br />priorities for the City. These tabUlati.nns were provided to the Council <br />for their consideration. The COUnci.l. included thN hiring of a maintenance <br />supervisor to the priorities, as budgeted for in 1995, as an "A" priority, <br />and changed revision of the City's Mining Permit from a "B" priority to <br />"All . <br />Goiffon made motion, Barnes seconded, to accept the priorities, as <br />tabulated, including the above-mentioned changes. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FIRE DEPT. REQUEST (CHANGE OF STREET NAME) <br />On behalf of the Hugo Volunteer Fire Department, Fire Chief, Jim Wisner, <br />requested that the City change the name of 147th Street from Geneva Avenue <br />to Glenbrook Avenue in the Rice Lake Meadows subdivision to Upper 146th <br />Street. The reasons for this request are as follows: <br />1. There is an intersection of 147th Street at T.H.61 north of the <br />development which turns into Oneka Lako Blvd. Individuals looking for <br />147th Street naturally follow the Boulevard, and do not look for 147th <br />Street to the south. <br />2. The alignment of Upper 146th Street is closer to this now than 147th <br />Street. <br />