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t ,it.y Ct,Ctncil meeting of February 6, 1995 <br />Page _ <br />This renaming would assist. the Fire Department in providing timely <br />response to emergency calls. Given that this street is already fully <br />developed with 25 homes, staff recommended a public hearing prior to any <br />change in the street name. It. was the Council's feeling that changing of <br />the name would result in an unnecessary expense for homeowners, and that <br />placement of a sign on Oneka Lake Boulevard and 147th Street would <br />adequately take care of the problem. <br />Miron made motion, l._aVal.le seconded, directing staff to review the need <br />for signing, and make a recommendation to the Council. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ESTABLISH E= XECUT T VE SESSJ ON ( WOODS QF KALI) _EAGLE LITIGATION) <br />City staff met with the legal counsel for the developers of the proposed <br />Woods of Bald Eagle subdivision on Monday, January =i►, 1995, to seek a <br />resolution to a lawsuit filed by the developer. Staff requested that the <br />Council establish a date and time to discuss the results of this meeting <br />with the attorney representing the City in this matter. <br />Porn# twit FrlR&RO OF,; i::t .-w" :.; rr4ti: € to 90hodule An executive session for <br />Monday, February 13, 1995, at:. 7:.30 PM, Hugo City Hall, to meet with the <br />City's legal counsel regarding litigation regarding denial of a rezoning <br />request for the proposed subdivision known as Woods of Bald Eagle. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />P'ROP'OSED WOFtik::4HOF' <br />A workshop to enhance the City's ability to maintain a positive <br />relationship with the press has been proposed by the Mayor for some time <br />in the next few months. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, directing staff to work out details <br />for a press/Council workshop, and report to the Council with agenda, date, <br />and time. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CHARITABLE GAMBLING (SE OR_R I CC I ' S <br />LaValle made motion, Goiffon seconded, that the City of Hugo has no <br />objection to the issuance of a Minnesota Lawful Gambling License to the <br />American Legion Post #225 to sell pull tabs at Ricci's of Hugo, 14777 <br />Forest Boulevard, Hugo, MN. The City also waives the 30 -day waiting <br />period. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BO RAYMOND BOGATTY <br />Mr. Bogatty, owner of Ricci's, was present to ask that the Council cancel <br />the pending public hearing to be held 2/21/95 to consider action to be <br />