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MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL, CITY COUNCIL MEET I NO OF MARCH 28. 1995 <br />The meeting was reconvened from the Council meeting of March 20. 1995 by <br />Mayor Fran Miron at 7:35 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />Planning Commissioners, Teddy Peltier and Dave Schumann <br />Realtors, Tim Garry and Russ Gouge <br />The Mayor opened discussion regarding the location of the new Post Office <br />on the Svoboda property located on T.H. 61, north of Flay Avenue. Mr. Tim <br />Garry, representing the property owner, explained to the Council that the <br />developer was seeking City assistance in construction of the street to <br />serve the proposed Post Office site due to the high development cost <br />associated with the project. After review of cost figures and discussion, <br />Mayor Miron asked Mr. Garry if the property owner would be willing to sell <br />the land to the City. Mr. Garry stated that the property owner was askinq <br />$84,900 for the property. <br />The Council discussed the City acting as the developer for the site, given <br />the need to act quickly to retain the Post Office in the community, <br />potential use of the site for necessary storm water ponding, the adjacent <br />City -owned property, which could be combined in the project, and the <br />possibility of locating a new fire station on this site. <br />Leroux made motion. Barnes seconded, to offer $72.500 for the 47 acre <br />parcel, and enter into an Earnest Money Contract with the property owner. <br />The City to provide for a 90 -day option to purchase the property <br />subject to soil borings and wetland delineations establishing that the <br />site is suitable for the construction of the Post Office. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />Barnes made motion. Goiffon seconded, to authorize the City Engineer to <br />begin to conduct soil borings and wetlands delineation necessary to <br />determine the site suitability of the Post Office. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The Council then considered the suggested operating guidelines of the Hugo <br />Fire and Rescue Service, as provided by the Department. Previously, the <br />Council had provided the City Administrator with written comments on the <br />proposed guidelines, and the Council reviewed staff responses to the <br />issues raised. Fire Chief, Jim Wisner, Bill Bruen of the State Fire <br />Service, and members of the committee who prepared the guidelines, were <br />present to discuss specific issues. The Council indicated that the staff <br />recommendations were adequate, and informed the Fire Department to <br />complete the revised guidelines and submit them to the Council for final <br />approval. <br />The Mayor requested that staff prepare letters of appreciation to the <br />members of the Fire Department who participated in preparing the suggested <br />operating procedures, and also to Bill Bruen of the State Fire Service for <br />his assistance in this matter. <br />