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City Council meeting of April 17, 1995 <br />Page _ <br />CHANGE TO TYPICAL ROAD SECTIONS <br />The City Engineer has recommended that the City revise its typical road <br />design for streets, with a copy of his proposed design standards provided <br />to the Council for their consideration. This action will require the City <br />to amend its subdivision regulations requiring a public hearing. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to schedule a public hearing of May <br />15, 1995, at 7:05 PM, to consider revisions in the City's typical road <br />design for streets by amending subdivision regulations. <br />All ave. Motion Carried. <br />WAGE RATE (BUILDING ASSISTANT <br />The City's Building Official recommended increasing the hourly wage paid <br />to the building inspection assistant currently employed by the City. This <br />recommendation is based on the assistant's recent certification as a <br />certified building official II, and the fact that the individual is <br />entering his third season of employment with the City, and can perform <br />most code enforcement functions with minimal supervision. Based on the <br />1994 data from the League of Minnesota Cities' annual salary survey, <br />similar positions in other communities in the metro area pay an hourly <br />waqe of $9.66 to $15.12 per hour with the average wage rate being $11.63 <br />per hour. Staff recommended establishing the wage rate at $9.50 per hour, <br />which would increase the City's expense for this position by a total of <br />$2.239.12 per year. The added cost would be covered by the unbudgeted <br />building surcharge refund to be received from the State this year. In <br />addition, there is some potential that this increase in wages could <br />reflect in higher unemployment costs for the City in 1995. <br />LaValle made motion, Goiffon seconded, that the City of Hugo hire Vern <br />Bartlette as a part-time, seasonal employee in the Building Department, at <br />a rate of $9.50/hr. Staff is directed to develop a job description for an <br />apprentice building official. <br />All apse. Motion Carried. <br />SUMMER MAINTENANCE POSITION <br />Mr. Roger Bacon, the City's utility superintendent, recommended <br />establishing a seasonal, part-time maintenance worker position in the <br />City. Currently, the City uses casual labor to perform many of the tasks <br />required to maintain the City's utilities. Mr. Bacon feels that it would <br />be more efficient to be able to schedule someone on a routine basis to <br />perform some of these tasks. His estimate for the number of hours <br />required to perform general utility/ maintenance during the summer months <br />was provided. He requested that Mr. Chad Norman, who has worked for the <br />City on a casual basis for the last year, be hired as the part-time <br />maintenance worker, on a schedule of five days a week., six hours a day, <br />for the months of June, July, and August. Establishment of this position <br />will have no budgetary impact on the City, as the current amount budgeted <br />