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City Council meeting of May 15, 1995 <br />Page 5 <br />9. Bo maximum of the property shall be used for buildings, impervious <br />surface, and exterior storage. <br />10. Screening must be maintained for as long as the use exists. <br />11. Site grading and storm water retention shall be subject to approval of <br />the City Engineer. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LIONS REQUEST <br />The Hugo Lions Club requested that the City participate, on an equal <br />basis, with the Club in the purchase of two bleachers for use in the Hugo <br />park. The cost of the two bleachers is $51745.00. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux: seconded, that the City of Hugo participate in <br />the amount of $1,500 in the purchase of two bleachers for use in the Hugo <br />park.. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />WBL COMMUNITY EDUCATION REQUEST <br />Mr. Dave Guenther, Director of Community Services and Recreation for the <br />WBL School District, requested that the City of Hugo consider taking over <br />the daily maintenance of the two ballfields located in the City park, as <br />well as the two ballfields at Hugo Elementary School, during the summer <br />months when they are used for community softball. The City does not have <br />the equipment necessary to maintain these ballfields, and a tractor and <br />draq would need to be purchased or leased by the City. Staff estimates <br />labor costs, based on Mr. Guenther's estimates of two hours of work daily, <br />at approximately $700 for the season. If the Council is receptive to the <br />school district's request, staff recommended that, rather than taking <br />responsibility for the ballfield maintenance, the City make a contribution <br />towards labor expense, as the school district already has the equipment to <br />maintain the fields. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, directing City staff to inform the <br />Dave Guenther, WBL Community Services Director, that his request for <br />financial aid from the City is not a budgeted item, and the City is <br />denying the request. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LETTER REGARDING SPEED LIMIT ON 125TH STREET <br />At the last Council meeting, Mayor Miron presented a letter from a <br />resident regarding lowering of speed limits on 125the Street. A letter <br />from the City Administrator addressing the resident's concerns was <br />provided to the Council for their information. <br />REQUEST TO RESERVE CITY PARK (MIRON) <br />