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City Council meeting of May 15. 1995 <br />Page b <br />LeroU; made motion. Goiffon seconded, that the City approve the request of <br />Catherine Miron to reserve the Hugo park: and one ballfield for Sunday, <br />June 18. 1995. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />WOODS OF BALD EAGLE <br />The City Attorney reported that he had not received a response from Mr. <br />Duffy, attorney for developers of the Woods of Bald Eagle, to his <br />letter.The City Attorney suggested that tonight's meeting be recessed to <br />May 22, 1995, rather than adjourned, to discuss this matter. <br />Miron made motion, LaValle seconded, that the City Attorne,," contact Mr. <br />Duffy to insure that he is agreeable in delaying the court hearing <br />regarding litigation between the City and Grace Development, Inc. If the <br />City does not receive an assurance that the litigation has been delayed, <br />staff is to prepare Findings to Fact to deny the subdivision. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />POST OFFICE <br />The City Administrator reported that the City has completed an Earnest <br />Money Contract with Burnet Realty for the purchase of the Svoboda <br />property. <br />LETTER FROM BRUCE BERN I N <br />The City received a letter from Bruce Bernin regarding the elevation of <br />Oneka Lake. This matter is to be placed on the next Council agenda. <br />Marvin LaValle asked that the Cal Barr development. Mann Lake Estates, be <br />added to the agenda for the continued Council meetinq on May ii. 1995. <br />LeroU:; made motion, Goiffon seconded, that tonight's meeting be recessed <br />At 11:00 PM until Monday, May ii, 1995, at 7:00 PM, unless Grace <br />Development Corporation agrees to continued delay in the ongoing <br />litigation, in which case the meeting shall be adjourned. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mar, Z4�/Creager, Clerk <br />4b <br />