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1995.06.12 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
City Council
City Council Minutes
1995 CC Minutes
1995.06.12 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
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MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL - JUNE 12, 1995 <br />A special meeting of the Hugo City Council was called to order at 7:15PM <br />by Mayor Pro Tem LeroUX. <br />Members Present: Barnes. Goiffon, LaValle. Leroux. <br />City Administrator, Robert MUseus <br />Miron (arrived at 7:20PM) <br />The first item of business considered was a request by Scott and Desiree <br />Rotter, 13635 Fiona Ave., to encroach on a city drainage easements on <br />their property to stabilize the soil and landscape the property. The City <br />Administrator informed the Council that Mr. Dale Eklin, of the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District, had reviewed the request to encroach on the south <br />easement and stated that the watershed would have no objection to the <br />proposed landscaping. Immediately to the south of the Rotter's property <br />is an out.lot owned by the City which is a wetland and the water from the <br />encroachment would flow into this area. Mr. Rotter provided the Council <br />with a letter from his neighbor to the north, Ms. Jennifer Burkett, <br />stating that she had no objection to the Rotter's encroaching on the <br />City's drainage easement adjacent to her home. The Council expressed <br />concerns that the addition of landscape timbers to the north of Rotter's <br />property would redirect the water onto the Burkett's property and <br />potentially cause problems in the future. <br />During these discussions Mayor Miron arrived and assumed responsibility <br />for chairing the meeting. <br />L.eroUX made a motion, seconded by LaValle to approve the Rotter's <br />encroachment into the City's drainage easement on the south side of their <br />property in accordance with the landscaping plans provided and to deny <br />encroachment into the drainage easement into the north. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />The Council entered into discussions with Mr. Howard Lestrud, the general <br />manager of Sell Publishing, regarding the State of Minnesota's Open <br />Meeting Law, the Data Privacy Act and the issues of contention between the <br />City and Mr. Lestrud. Mr. Lestrud was accompanied by Mr. Marti:. Anfinson, <br />Minnesota Newspaper Association. Mr. Joel Jamnik, Senior <br />Intergovernmental Relations Representative of the League of Minnesota <br />Cities was also in attendance. Mr. Anfinson stated the positions of the <br />Minnesota Newspaper Association regarding the Open Meeting Law and Data <br />Privacy Act. He stated that the Association was interested in maintaining <br />all meetings of all governmental bodies open to the public, and that city <br />councils need to establish an environment of mutual trust with the <br />reporters covering their meetings in order to avoid misunderstanding and <br />distrust. The City Council raised issues regarding the accuracy of the <br />reporting of City Council activities which misrepresented the Council's <br />intentions and actions at various times. Mr. Anfinson stated that an <br />adversarial relationship between members of the press and local government <br />was healthy and that the council should be concerned with the accuracy and <br />effect of reporting over time rather than in individual articles. Mr. <br />Jamnik provided comments <br />
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