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1995.06.12 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
City Council
City Council Minutes
1995 CC Minutes
1995.06.12 CC Minutes - Special Council meeting
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10/26/2017 1:45:31 PM
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City Council
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regarding the League of Minnesota Cities position on the Open Meeting Law. <br />As the next item of business, the City Administrator provided the Council <br />a letter to Taymark, Inc. of White Bear Lake, indicating the City's <br />willingness to work with the company in expanding in the City of Hugo. <br />The city attorney recommended changing the wording of one paragraph to <br />clearly define that, though the City is willing to pursue the possibility <br />of issuing industrial bonds to support this project, the authority of the <br />City to issue such bonds is not guaranteed. <br />Council member Barnes also recommended changing the wording of one <br />paragraph to indicate that the City is involved in the planning of the <br />extension of Falcon Avenue rather than has determined to do so. <br />Leroux; made motion to approve the letter to Taymark. subject to the <br />recommended changes, seconded by Goiffon. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />The Council discussed the development of the Svoboda property located <br />north of Flay Ave. and west of Trunk Highway 61 as a site for the new post <br />office. A potential financing plan prepared by the City's Finance <br />Director was reviewed by the Council and concerns were raised regarding <br />the higher than expected costs for development of the site. Other <br />potential locations for the post office were considered. Specifically, <br />removal of buildings in the downtown area to make way for redevelopment <br />and moving the site to the Bald Eagle Industrial Park where the <br />development costs would be less expensive. The sites for redevelopment in <br />the downtown area were considered to be as, or more, expensive than the <br />Svoboda property and the site in the industrial pares: was ruled out due to <br />the location which would remove the post office from the downtown area and <br />make it's use inconvenient for postal patrons from Centerville, Lino <br />, and May Township. <br />L.aValle made motion to direct staff to complete the purchase of the <br />Svoboda property, seconded by Leroux;. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Additional discussion was held regarding the use of the site of the post <br />office in order to keep the post office in the City's commercial area and <br />to avoid conflict with adjacent communities and the business owners in the <br />community. <br />L.aValle made motion, seconded by Goiffon to direct staff to make an offer <br />to sell one acre of the Svoboda Property to the U.S. Postal Service for <br />use as a postal site at a cost of $90,000. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />The Council discussed the status of Mr. Dean Atkinson's Mining Permit. <br />Leroux made motion, seconded by Goiffon to direct the city attorney to <br />send a letter to the attorney representing Mr. Atkinson, stating that the <br />City has considered and rejected Mr. Atkinson's argument that the <br />operation of the rock crusher at his gravel pit is a lawful, nonconforming <br />use, and to direct <br />
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