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t; It y UnUnci l mewt:ing of August 21, 1995 <br />Page 2 <br />INTERVIEW FOR MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR POSITION <br />James Vick:aryous, Dave Jungwirth, and Michael Kriz were interviewed by the <br />City Council to fill the recently -created position of maintenance <br />supervisor for the City of Hugo. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconed, to defer discussion of the maintenance <br />supervisor interviews until later in tonight's meeting. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LETTER OF CF.ED I TF:EpLICTRT CSN REQUEST _iONEKA ESTATE ) <br />The City Engineer recommended that the letter of credit for the <br />subdivision known as Oneka Estates be reduced to $180,000 as a result of <br />work performed by the developers as of August 2, 1995. The developer is <br />current in the fees they owe to the City. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to reduce the letter of credit for the <br />Oneka takes development to $180,000. <br />Councilman LaValle cited certain problems that he felt were associated <br />with the development, and stated that he was concerned with reducing the <br />letter of credit. <br />VOTING AYE: Goiffon, Leroux, Mi.ron <br />VOTING NAY: Barnes and LaValle <br />Motion Carried. <br />It was noted that a house in the development is being occupied without a <br />Certificate of Occupancy. The temporary access must be substantially <br />completed before CO's can be issued by the Eu.ildina Insoector. <br />L..Ah:E t='l._A:L S'! EL>i'CF IL_ SECT T ON <br />The water levels of Lake Plaisted, School Section Lake, Goggins Lake, and <br />other landlocked basins within the Brown's Creek watershed area nave <br />continued to rise throughout the summer. Earlier this year, the City <br />raised the levels of 140th Street and Jule Avenue to compensate after the <br />recent heavy rainfalls. The lake levels have again risen and topped the <br />public roadway. 'There .is also potential for property damage to adjacent <br />residences. Fete Wil.lenbring of OSM submitted his proposed work pian to <br />address problems associated with these lakes. There were a. number of area <br />residents present at the meeting voicing their concerns with the high <br />water. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, authorizing implementation of Task. 1. <br />for collection of background information and completion of a. preliminary <br />survey, to include the July Avenue area, The City Administrator shall <br />contact adjoining communities regarding the sharing of costs incurred for <br />this project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />