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MINUTES <br />HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />April 14, 2011 <br />Call to Order <br />Chairman Schumann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Arcand, Gwynn, Kleissler, Moore, Rosenquist, Schumann <br />ABSENT: McRoberts <br />ALSO PRESENT: Bryan Bear, Community Development Director <br />Dennis Fields, Community Development Assistant <br />Rachel Juba, Planner <br />Approval of Minutes of March 24, 2011 <br />Gwynn made motion, Kleissler seconded, to approve the Planning Commission minutes of <br />March 24, 2011. <br />All Ayes, Motion carried. <br />2011 Capital Improvement Proiects <br />Planner, Rachel Juba, gave the background to the Planning Commission. She explained the <br />capital improvement projects that were planned for 2011. She explained that the projects need to <br />be reviewed by the Planning Commission to ensure that they are consistent with the City's <br />Comprehensive Plan. The projects include playground equipement at Hanifl Fields Athletic Park <br />and Heritage Ponds Park, street reconstruction projects for South Ethan Ave and Lake Air <br />Estates Neighborhoods, and construction of well house #6. Rachel explained how each project is <br />consistent with the comprehensive plan. Staff recommended that that Planning Commission <br />approve the projects. <br />Arcand asked if trails would be installed down Ethan Avenue. <br />Gwynn stated that he has been actively involved with the project as he lives within the <br />construction area. He stated that they would not be installing trails however they would be <br />installing speed control measures, such as solor powered speed monitoring signs along Ethan <br />Avenue. <br />Rosenquist motioned, Gwynn seconded to approve the Capital Improvement projects as being <br />consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. <br />All Ayes, motion carried. <br />