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Minutes for the Planning Commission March 22, 2000 - Page 4 <br />Alan Olson felt hours should be specified for each event, and activities should be in compliance with the <br />noise ordinance. <br />Bob LaCasse felt the speakers were unnecessarily loud. <br />There were no other comments, and Puleo closed the public hearing. <br />Kellison made motion, Peltier seconded, to table consideration of the Conditional Use Permit for Rodeos <br />and other horse related events to allow the City Planner and Mr. Ramberg to establish the conditions of the <br />permit. <br />All AYES. Motion carried. <br />Concept Review (Brandon Preserve) <br />The Planning Commission discussed with Warren Olson, representing Cedarwood Homes, Inc., 2002 5th <br />Street, White Bear Lake, MN, a concept for development of approximately 70 acres of property located in <br />the northwest '/ of Sec. 33 into 12 homesites. <br />Olson wanted to know if the City would allow for the increase in the lot density in recognition of certain <br />currently platted lots being vacated and left as open space in part of the development, which the Planning <br />Commission was not in favor of. <br />The Planning Commission was also opposed to the length of the Cul-de-sac, which was longer than the <br />allowed 1,320 feet in a cluster development. <br />Mr. Olson stated he would revise the plan and requested to be on the Planning Commission agenda in <br />April. <br />HousinE Policy <br />The Planning Commission had reviewed a draft policy for housing development in the community, as <br />required by the Metropolitan Land Planning Act. City Council members Barnes and Leroux were present to <br />discuss the policy with the Planning Commission. <br />Minor changes are to be made, and the Policy to go to the City Council for review and approval. <br />Puleo made motion, Kellison seconded, to adjourn at 11:03 p.m. <br />All AYES. Motion carried. <br />Michele Lindau, Secretary <br />Planning Commission <br />