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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br />OCTOBER 27, 1999 <br />The meeting was called to order by Planning Commission Chairperson Puleo at 7:00 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Kleissler, Peterson, Puleo. <br />Kellison arrived after the minutes of September 22,1999, were approved. <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />Deputy Clerk, Michele Lindau <br />ABSENT: Malaski, Peltier, Schumann <br />Minutes of September 22, 1999 <br />Kleissler made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the Planning Commission minutes for the meeting of September 22, 1999, <br />as submitted. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Conditional Use Permit (Neamy) <br />Scott and Lea Ann Neamy, 17220 Keystone Ave. N., applied for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a children's day camp <br />and petting zoo at their property at the above address. The purpose of the permit was to establish the extent of the lawful non- <br />conforming use of the property. The Planning Commission previously tabled consideration of the application on two <br />occasions at the request of the property owner. <br />Attorney Fredrick Knaak, representing the Neamy's, addressed concerns they had regarding the draft Conditional Use Permit <br />as prepared by staff. He stated they felt the hours of operation and the numbers on maximum attendance were too restrictive, <br />the sunset clause was unnecessary and would prevent them passing the business on to their children, and the traffic growth on <br />Keystone Avenue was not due to their business activities. <br />The Planning Commission had concerns regarding the wording on some of the conditions of the draft Special Use Permit. <br />They felt there should be clarification on adequate sanitary facilities, the hours of operation and number of people using the <br />mini -golf facility should be specified, and parking and dust control issues should be addressed. The Planning Commission also <br />recommended amending the condition regarding the expiration of the permit to allow the Neamy's to transfer the ownership of <br />the Special Use Permit to their immediate descendants. <br />Robyn Bachmeier, 17191 Keystone Avenue, stated she was bothered by the increased traffic, littering, and wandering of <br />Neamy's guests onto her property. <br />Kellison felt the permit should be reworded in a way to ensure they would not be able to expand or enlarge their present <br />operation. <br />The Neamy's requested the Planning Commission table the issue to allow the permit to be amended. <br />Puleo made motion, Kellison seconded, to table consideration of the Neamy's request until the November meeting to allow <br />staff to amend the Special Use Permit and the Planning Commission to review to it. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Rezone (Neeser and Peltier) <br />Jerry and Dorothy Neeser, 15815 Elmcrest Ave. N., requested to rezone approximately 124 acres of property they own from <br />Agricultural to Urban Residential. The property is part of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 18. Mrs. Martha Peltier, 15367 <br />Everton Ave. N., also applied to rezone approximately 100 acres of property she owns from Agricultural to Urban Residential. <br />The property is located in the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 18. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on both <br />requests at their regular meeting of July 28, 1999, and had tabled action pending a public planning workshop for the area, <br />which was conducted on September 9 and continued on September 23, 1999. <br />