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SPECIAL USE PERMIT - LOWEL| <br />Mr. John Lindell, representing Mr. Lowell was present. No additional <br />information was provided to the Planning Commission. Mr. Elliott had not <br />been contacted regarding any updated site plan. <br />Motion made by Kellison, seconded by Rubenzer to recommend denial of the <br />request of William Lowell for a Special Use Permit to continue exterior <br />storage on his property 5444 140th St. <br />AYE: Agness, Waller, Schumann, Rubenzer, Malaski, Kellison <br />NAY: Peltier <br />Motion passed. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - RENEWAL/LAMETTI & SONS <br />Lametti and Sons, 16028 Forest Blvd. North, owns and operates a <br />construction business on a 22.5 acre site which is zoned and guided for <br />industrial use. The SUP in question was approved in 1988 with 16 special <br />conditions. The permit was issued for a five year period and technically <br />expired in 1993. The applicant is requesting to extend the SUP for <br />another five year period. <br />Ms. Bev Aplikowsky stated that she supported the extension of the SUP for <br />Lametti and Sons. <br />Commissioner Agness recommended that Lametti and Sons plant evergreen <br />trees across their east property line, 15' on center. <br />Motion made by Agness, seconded by Kellison to recommend approval of the <br />Special Use Permit for Lametti and Sons to continue operation their <br />construction business at 16028 Forest Blvd. for an additional five year <br />period, subject to planting evergreen trees 15' on center along their east <br />property line. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Mr. Houk and Mr. Mezzenga shared their concept plan for the proposed Oneka <br />Child Care Center which would be located on the southeast corner of <br />Highway 61 and 141st St. Commissioners suggested that their plan for <br />submittal should include additional parking, a trash enclosure, and a <br />driveway on 141st. St. <br />Richard Schreier also presented his concept plan for Oaks of Lake <br />Plaisted. The Planning Commission did not feel that this subdivision met <br />the requirements of a cluster development. A recommendation was made to <br />move the open space (park) from the north side of 140th St. to the lake <br />side and to move some of the lots proposed for the lake side be moved to <br />the north side of 140th St. <br />