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P.C. Minutes - July 26, 1995 <br />Page 3 <br />Mr. Walsh was present but could not provide any additional information <br />requested by the Planning Commission as specified previously. <br />Motion made by Miltz-Miller to table this request until the applicant <br />provide all requested information. <br />Motion failed for lack of a second. <br />Mr. Schumann stated he had met with the applicant and his neighbors to <br />negotiate the proposed location of the road, plantings and sizes of trees, <br />location of the material to be stockpiled, etc. <br />This information was not provided to the entire Commission. <br />Motion made Kellison, seconded by Agness to recommend denial of the <br />Special Use Permit request of Thomas Walsh, 5635 165th St. for lack of <br />information. <br />AYE: Miltz-Miller, Agness, Peltier, Kellison <br />NAY: Schumann <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION (WAUGH) <br />Edward and Grace Waugh, 14032 Flay Avenue, have requested a minor <br />subdivision of 2.1 acres of RB -zoned property into three parcels. Parcel <br />A does not meet the minimum requirements of the City's subdivision <br />regulations, though it is the intent of the Waughs' to transfer this <br />property to the adjacent property owner (Rd's) to align property ownership <br />with existing land use. Parcels B and C do meet the minimum requirements <br />of the City's subdivision regulations for the zoning district, and <br />required lot width on T.H. 61. Both parcels have access to municipal <br />sewer and water. Wetlands delineation is not yet prepared for the site, <br />nor has approval been received from the RCWD. A driveway permit may be <br />required from MNDOT for access to T.H. 61 for Lot C. <br />Mr. John Charais, ERA Muske Company, represented Mr. Waugh. There was no <br />comment from the general public. <br />Motion made by Kellison, seconded by Schumann to recommend approval of the <br />request of Ed & Grace Waugh to subdivide 2.1 acres into three parcels <br />subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Parcel A must be transferred to the adjacent property owner, and <br />included in that property owner's legal description and not be <br />recorded as a separate parcel of record. <br />2. Permitting of the subdivision by the RCWD. <br />3. A driveway permit for Parcel C be obtained from MNDOT, if required. <br />4. The metal shed crossing the proposed property line between Parcel B <br />and C must be moved onto Parcel B and meet the required setbacks. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />