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P.C. Minutes - 11-15-95 <br />Page 3 <br />The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed <br />comprehensive plan for the City on November 2, 1995. Consideration of the <br />Plan's adoption was tabled until this evenings meeting. Ed Elliott, the <br />consultant assisting the City with revisions to the comprehensive plan, <br />provided an update on changes made to the plan based on the workshop and <br />hearing: <br />A. Numerous spelling changes, corrections, and additional descriptions <br />have been included. <br />2. Omit the last line of page 23. <br />3. On page 27, under wildlife, the second sentence now reads, " Local <br />observation of wildlife indicates an increase in some species". <br />4. Page 37, a fourth sentence will read, "an access to Rice Lake is <br />provided from homestead Ave. North." An additional two sentences will <br />read, "The City has recently acquired two large parcels of land, 80 <br />and 30 acres in size. Some of this land will be used for parkland and <br />public open space. <br />5. Delete policy 84. <br />Motion made by Agness, seconded by Schumann to recommend approval of the <br />Revised Comprehensive Plan subject to the following changes: <br />1. The Waller property, 160 acres in the southwest quarter of Section 22 <br />be included in the agricultural district. <br />2. The east side of Oneka Lake Blvd. south of 157th St. be kept <br />agricultural. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Commissioner Schumann noted his approval was under protest. <br />Motion made by Malaski, seconded by Peltier to move the December meeting <br />to the 20th. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Motion made by Kellison, seconded by Malaski to adjourn at 11:23PM. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Carole LaBelle, Secretary <br />Hugo Planning Commission <br />