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INUTES OF THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION - April 27. 1994 <br />The regular meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Chairman Peltier <br />PRESENT: Agness, Schumann, Rubenzer, Kellison, Olson, Peltier, <br />Administrator Museus <br />ABSENT: Davis <br />Motion made by Schumann, seconded by Olson to approve the minutes of March <br />23, 1994, as amended. <br />AYE: Agness, Schumann, Rubenzer, Olson, Peltier, <br />ABSTAIN: Kellisort <br />Motion passed. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - RICHARD VAIL <br />A public hearing was held to consider the request of Richard Vail, 5708 <br />141st St. for a special use permit for exterior storage of commercial <br />vehicles and building materials related to the operation of his <br />construction business. The property is zoned SFU and is the Vail <br />residence. Richard Vail stated that he had stored some boxes of scrap <br />materials which was an eyesore. He has removed the boxes and cleaned up <br />the area. <br />Gail McNertney, the complainant, stated that there is a parking problem <br />when the driver picks up the commercial vehicle and parks his personal <br />vehicle on the street. They are willing to meet with the Vails and the <br />City Administrator to resolve this conflict. <br />Motion made by Kellison, seconded by Olson to table this request until May <br />25, 1994 to give the applicants and the complainants an opportunity for <br />resolution. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />REZONING REQUEST - HARRIS INV. INC./ABLE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT <br />Harris Investments, Inc. has requested a rezoning of the property at 17255 <br />Forest Blvd. No. (the site of Willys 61 Club) from Retail Business to <br />Industrial to allow for the operation of a printing company. A <br />representative of the proposed printing company stated that there would be <br />no exterior storage of products or chemicals and no by-products are <br />created from the business. He stated that they use some chemicals for <br />stripping, but a very small amount. <br />Motion made by Rubenzer, seconded by Peltier to recommend approval of the <br />request to rezone 17255 Forest Blvd. from Retail Business to Industrial. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />SUBDIVISION REQUEST - PATRICK GERVAIS <br />A public hearing was held to consider the request of Mr. Patrick Gervais <br />to subdivide a 20 acre parcel located in the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section <br />25, T31N, R21W, into two ten acre parcels. The City has received <br />