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MINUTES OF THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br />August 24, 1994 <br />The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Peltier at 7:06PM. <br />PRESENT: Agness, Kellison, Malaski, Schumann, Peltier <br />ABSENT: Rubenzer <br />Motion made by Kellison, seconded by Schumann, to approve the Minutes of <br />July 27, 1994 as amended. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION -- DELMAR STRANDBERG <br />Ruby and Delmar Strandberg, 7018 Wyoming Trail, Wyoming, Minnesota, and <br />Alton and Anna Schoch, 340 9th St. West, Dickinson, North Dakota, have <br />requested a minor subdivision with a variance for road frontage for <br />property they own in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of <br />Section 7, T31N, R21W, Washington County. The property in question <br />consists of 21.8 acres and is zoned agriculture. The applicants have <br />requested subdivision of the property into one 10.8 acre parcel and one 11 <br />acre parcel. Due to a previous subdivision of the property, the <br />applicants cannot provide the 300 feet of road frontage required for each <br />parcel and have requested a variance to 320-4, Subdivision O, of the city <br />code to allow subdivision as proposed. There is an existing home on <br />parcel A and percolation tests have been performed for parcel B but no <br />approval has been received for construction of the septic system from <br />Washington County. <br />During the public hearing on the proposed subdvision, Marvin LaValle, <br />representing the applicants stated that the one acre lot was created prior <br />to 1973. Commissioners concurred that because the lots met all other <br />requirements, they did not have a problem with the subdivision as <br />requested. Chairman Peltier closed the public hearing. <br />Motion made by Kellison, seconded by Peltier to recommend approval of the <br />request of Ruby and Delmar Strandberg to subdivide 21.8 acres into two <br />lots of 10.8 and 11 acres subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Septic system approval from Washington County for Parcel B. <br />2. Approval from Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION - GROVER STORM <br />Grower and Lorraine Storm, 8047 132nd St. North, have applied for <br />subdivision of 24.2 acres located in the southwest quarter, of the <br />southeast quarter of Section 21, T31N, R21W, Washington County, into one <br />10 acre parcel and one 14.2 acre parcel. The property is zoned RR2. <br />Though application for the subdivision has been made to the RCWD, no <br />response has been received on this action by the City. The proposed 10 <br />acre parcel is the site of the Storm's home. The'City has not yet <br />received adequate septic site proof for the 14.2 acre parcel. <br />