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MINUTES OF THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br />August 26, 1992 <br />The regular meeting was called to order by Chairperson Peltier at 7:00PM. <br />PRESENT: Mezzano, Davis, Agness, Rubenzer, Olson, Peltier <br />ABSENT: Oswald <br />Motion made by Davis, seconded by Agness to approve the minutes of July <br />22, 1992 as amended. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Leo Muellner and Cal Stemig have applied to the City to rezone a portion <br />of the 26.2 acres from conservancy to agriculture. The Conservancy <br />portion of the property is located on the west side of Inwood Ave. The <br />property is divided by an NSP line running diagonally from the southwest <br />to the northeast. Mr. Stemig would ultimately like to subdivide the <br />approximately 17 acres on the west of Inwood Ave, creating a 10 acre <br />parcel and a 17 acre parcel. Molly Shodeen, of the DNR has notified the <br />City that they have no objection to the rezoning. <br />Mr. Stemig stated that he would like to rezone primarily for financing <br />purposes. Mr. Stemig stated he would like to subdivide the 10 acres east <br />of Inwood which is his homestead and leave the 17 acres on the west, <br />currently zoned conservancy as one. <br />Motion made by Rubenzer, seconded by Davis to recommend approval of the <br />request of Cal Stemig and Leo Muellner to rezone their property zoned <br />Conservancy to Agriculture. Legal description as follows: <br />The west 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4, Section 2, T31N, <br />R21W, Washington County, except; A strip of land 50 feet wide running <br />over and across the northwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 2, T31N, <br />R21W, said strip being 25 feet wide on each side of a center line <br />commencing at a stake on the north line of Said Section 1057.5 feet east <br />of the northwest corner thereof; thence south 43 degrees 41 minutes west <br />233.7 feet; thence on a one degree curve to the right from said course as <br />a tangent, a distance of 395'; thence south 47 degrees 38 minutes west <br />824.8 feet to a stake on the west line of said section, 990 feet south of <br />the northwest corner thereof and there ending. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />PURRIMINION <br />Keith and Barb Peterson, 6520 132nd St., Hugo have applied to the City for <br />the subdivision and variance to lot size of a 39.8 acre parcel, zoned <br />agriculture into 3 lots. Two lots of slightly under 10 acres each, and <br />one 20 acre lot. The property is adjacent to 132nd St., to the north. <br />Perc tests have been conducted on all potential lots and have passed. No <br />permits or correspondence have been received from the DNR or Rice Creek <br />Watershed District. <br />No one from the public was present to comment on this request. <br />