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P.C. Minutes - April 24, 1991 <br />Pagae 2 <br />The Planning Commisson reviewed the request of Lauren McCullough for <br />rezoning. Lauren and Mavis McCullough have made application to the City <br />of Hugo to rezone an 8.33 acre tract of land from Conservancy (C) to RR1. <br />The purpose of this request is to allow for a subdivision of property for <br />residential purposes. The property in question is located south and east <br />of Goodview Avenue at the City's most southerly corporate limits. The <br />area identified as Parcel B appears to be the location of the current <br />residence and accessory buildings on the site. The entire tract in <br />question is subject to the City's shoreland regulations. The only similar <br />request of this nature that the Planning Commission has entertained in the <br />last several years, is the request of Keystone Builders to rezone the <br />Irene Arcand property to RR1. That request was denied by the Planning <br />Commission and City Council citing Land Uses, Policy 2B, page 32 of the <br />Comprehensive Plan, as the primary reason for denial of the rezoning. <br />Notices of this rezoning request have been forwarded to Grant Township, as <br />per City policy. The areas adjacent to the site are zoned conservancy and <br />agriucultural. <br />The public hearing was called to order. Mr. Robert Anderson, 12200 <br />Goodview Ave., who owns 5.5 acres vehemently opposed the rezoning and <br />stated _the area should not be regressive and supports the 20 acre, <br />conservancy zoning. He did not feel the area could support additional <br />on-site sewage disposal systems. Mr. Anderson felt Goodview Ave. was <br />inadequate to sustain more traffic. <br />After some discussion the Planning Commission concurred that the proposed <br />rezoning was not consistent with the plans for the area and that it would <br />likely be decades before the property would be served by sanitary sewer <br />and water. <br />Motion made by Henry, seconded by Mezzano to recommend denial of the <br />request of Lauren and Mavis McCullough to rezone 8.33 acres, described as <br />tax parcel (93032-2030) from Conservancy to RR1 for the following reasons: <br />1. The reduction from Conservancy (20 acre min.) to RR1 (3 acre min.) is <br />too radical. <br />2. The proposed zoning is inconsistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />3. The property in question is not within the MUSA. <br />Members voting Aye: Mezzano, Davis, Henry, Thoreson, Barnes, Peltier. <br />Members voting Nay: Oswald <br />Motion passed. <br />