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P.C. Minutes - April 24, 1991 <br />Page 3 <br />REZONING REQUEST (ARLINGTON PROPERTIES <br />Commissioner Thoreson reviewed this application with the Planning <br />Commission. Ms. Thoreson stated that Mr. Richard Schreier, on behalf of <br />Arlington Properties, has made application to the City of Hugo for the <br />rezoning of a 45 acre tract of land from Single Family Estate (SFE) to <br />Single Family Urban (SFU). The primary purpose of this request is to <br />accommodate a small lot, residential subdivision development some time in <br />the future. The property in question is located east of Highway 61, <br />between 130th and 140th Streets. With the exception of a small portion ol <br />land in the south east corner of the site, the tract in question is <br />located within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). The property <br />abutts an RR1 district to the east and SFE districts on the north, south, <br />and west. The City's Comprehensive Plan states that all residential lots, <br />smaller than one acre in size within the MUSA, must be served by sanitary <br />sewer. It is the intent of the developer to serve the site in question <br />with bituminous roads, storm water drainage, and municipal water and <br />sewer. <br />Motion made by Barnes, seconded by Henry to recommend approval of the <br />request of Richard Schreier, Arlington Properties to rezone 45.02 acres <br />from SFE to SFU for the reasons listed below. Legally described as That <br />part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, lying easterly of S.T.H. <br />#61, except the North 2 rods (33.0 ft.) thereof and that part of the <br />Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 lying easterly of S.T.H. #61; All in <br />Section 29, T31N, R21W, Washington County. <br />1. The property is primarily within the MUSA. <br />2. The proposed zoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />All aye, motion passed <br />SUBDIVISION REQUEST (D. VALENTO) <br />The Planning Commission reviewed the request of Mr. Don Valento who has <br />applied to the City of Hugo for a minor subdivision, waiver of formal <br />platting requirements, and variance from minimum lot size, to subdivide a <br />19.87 acre tract of land into two lots of approximately 9.94 acres each. <br />The parcel in question is located west of Everton Avenue, at the most <br />northerly extension of said roadway. The tract is generally described as <br />the S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 18, T31N, R21W, Hugo, MN. <br />The property is zoned Agricultural (A) and is currently being used for <br />farming purposes. Everton Avenue is presently treated as a <br />minimum -maintenance road, which serves large lot agricultural uses in this <br />area. <br />Chairman Peltier opened the public hearing. Mr. Leroy Peltier stated that <br />he owns property on the west side of Everton Ave. and that Mr. Valento's <br />property does not abutt the roadway. Mr. Valento stated that this issue <br />was discussed at the time of the previous subdivision and he feels <br />confident that his survey is correct and he does have a small portion of <br />land which abutts Everton Ave. which provides access to the northern lot. <br />