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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />June 28, 1989 <br />The regular meeting of the Hugo Planning Commission was called to order at <br />7:00PM by Chairman Senkler. <br />PRESENT: Thoreson, Henry, Oswald, Senkler <br />ABSENT: Mezzano, Barnes <br />Motion made by Senkler, seconded by Thoreson to approves the minutes of <br />May 24, 1919. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Rezoning Request (J. i.-fellison) <br />Chairman Senkler reviewed this request with the planning commission. He <br />stated that Jim and Sherron Kellison have applied to the City of Hugo for <br />the rezoning of a 6.7 acre tract of land from conservancy to RR2. Mr. <br />Kellison has purchased an 11.6 acre tract of land from Mr. Dave Potter <br />earlier this year. In the past the property in question has been a <br />treated as a single tract of land, although the property in question is in <br />two different zoning districts. Part of the property is conservancy, the <br />other portion is zoned SFE. The previous owner Dave Potter appeared <br />before the city council on February 16, 1988 to request a rezoning of the <br />conservancy area to SFE. This request was denied and the city council <br />encouraged Mr. Potter to reapply for a rezoning to an RR1 or RR2 zoning <br />district. The city's comprehensive plan calls for a minimum lot size of 5 <br />gross acres per dwelling unit outside the Municipal Urban Service Area. <br />Mr. Kellison would like to get this property rezoned to RR2 so that a <br />single family residence can be built on the site in question and there <br />will be no problems in the future with regard to the need for a variance <br />as the site is smaller than the required 20 acres in a conservancy zone. <br />The rezoning in question would be consistent with the subdivision plat <br />submitted for your consideration. The site is located on the east side of <br />Elmcrest Ave. approximately 500' north of 129th St. <br />Chairman Senkler called the public hearing to order. No one from the <br />general public was present to comment on this issue. <br />Mr. Kellison is rezoning in order to subdivide the 11.6 acre tract into <br />two lots, which is not possible unless the northern portion of the <br />property is rezoned. <br />All members of the commission concurred that this was a reasonable request <br />and complied with the comprehensive plan. <br />Motion made by Senkler, seconded by Henry to recommend approval of the <br />request of Jim and Sherryon Kellison to rezone 6.7 acres from Conservancy <br />to RR2 legally described as follows: That part of Government Lot 1, <br />Section 31, T31N, R21W, Washington County, Minnesota, commencing at the <br />northwest corner of Gov't Lot 1; thence north 89 degrees 36 minutes 34 <br />seconds East, assumed bearing along the north line of Gov't Lot 1, a <br />distance of 532.50 feet to the center line of Elmcrest Ave. North and the <br />P.C. Minutes 6-28-89 1 <br />