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periodic inspections to assure conformance with the special use permit. <br />13. Failure to comply with these conditions shall be grounds for <br />revocation of this permit. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Subdivision ReClUest - Larry Ehret <br />Larry and Edda Ehret have made application to the City of Hugo for <br />subdivision of a 20 acre parcel of land into two ten acre parcels in an <br />agricultural district. The certificate of survey prepared for planning <br />commission review reflects three parcels of land identified and A,B,C. <br />Parcels A and C are owned by Mr. Ehret and are the subject of this request. <br />Parcel B is owned by Laurie Pilla and is a separate tract of land included <br />in this survey for recording purposes only. The three parcels in question <br />appear to meet the minimum lot dimension requirements for the proper <br />subdivision of this property. The entire parcel reflected in the survey <br />contains 30 acres and is located in the southwest corner of 152nd St. No. <br />and Keystone Ave. If approved by the planning commission we would recommend <br />that the survey approval be subject to 13 conditions. <br />Mr. Ehret found none of the recommended conditions objectionable and agreed <br />to comply with all conditions. The planning commission could see no reason <br />to object to this subdivision. <br />Motion made by Jesinski, seconded by Henry to recommend approval of the <br />certificate of survey #__ and waiver of formal subdivision requirements <br />subdivision for Larry Ehret to subdivide 30 acres into 3 ten acre parcels <br />subject to 13 standard conditions as follows; <br />1. A final survey must be submitted to the council for approval within 90 <br />days of preliminary survey acceptance or this approval shall be null <br />and void. <br />2. All conditions must be met prior to stamping of any deed for recording <br />by the city clerk unless otherwise permitted by council action. <br />3. Property lines on site must be identified by the applicants to assure <br />proper setbacks when buildings are to be constructed, if required by <br />the building inspector. <br />4. Any commercial use of said property not specifically permitted in this <br />zone by the city zoning ordinance shall be strictly prohibited. <br />5. Driveways or drainage areas must include installation of a minimum 15" <br />diameter corrugated metal culvert in a manner acceptable to the city. <br />6. No building permits are to be issued until the required permits are <br />secured from the appropriate watershed districts and the DNR when <br />applicable. <br />7. All fees relating to this subdivision approval shall be paid by the <br />applicant including the cost of recording documents with Washington <br />County. <br />B. Any driveway permits requiring access to highways or county roads not <br />be issued until secured from Washington County or MNDOT. <br />9. Percolation tests for septic system installation must be submitted prior <br />to the issuance of any building permit. <br />10. Payment of the required parkland dedication fees must be made at the <br />time of building permit issuance. <br />11. On site activities permitted as a result of this subdivision shall not <br />cause the altering of any watercourse, ditch, or drainage system in this <br />