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MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS <br />Of the <br />HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />December 11, 1985 <br />The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Atkinson at 7:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: Schoeller, Granger, Rudisill, Bob Olson, Ray Olson <br />ABSENT: Fashingbauer <br />Motion made by Schoeller, seconded by Atkinson to approve the minutes of November 27, <br />1985 with the following corrections; <br />add date... <br />Item 4c should by number 5... note in parentheses should by 4b... all aye should <br />be added to Zerwas motion. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />The regular meeting recessed and the public hearing called to order at 7:05 PM. <br />Will Harris - Texan Bar - There was no one from the public in attendance to address <br />the application for amended special use permit for the Texan, to hold boxing matches. <br />The public hearing was closed at 7:17 PM, and the regular meeting was reconvened. <br />Motion made by Schoeller, seconded by Ray Olson to table the Texan application until <br />January 8, 1986 and request the presence of Mr. Harris. All aye, motion carried. <br />Richard Vail - Variance - Mr. Vail is building on Lot 6 in Shamrock Glen. The size <br />of the house requires a two foot variance on either side of the lot, making it 8' <br />side lot setbacks. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, seconded by Schoeller to recommend approval of two two foot <br />sidelot setback variancesfor Richard Vail on Lot 6 Shamrock Glen with the following <br />conditions; <br />1. a letter from the owner of Lot 7 blk 1 be provided to the council. <br />2. The side yard lines by established prior to excavating for footings to insure <br />an.:. 8' setback on Lot 5. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />The regular meeting was recessed and the Larsen public hearing called to order at 7:35PM. <br />Verna Larsen - Rezoning public hearing - There was no one present to comment on this <br />rezoning. <br />The public hearing was closed and the regular meeting reconvened at 7:43PM. <br />Verna Larsen - Rezoning - Mrs. Larsen stated her plan to rezone and divide her 20 acres <br />into two ten acre parcels to give her son ten acres. It is currently zoned Conservancy. <br />Motion made by Rudisill, seconded by Granger to recommend approval of the request for <br />rezoning for Verna Larsen, property as described in Forest Lake Times publication from <br />Conservancy to Agriculture with the following conditions; <br />1. No action should be taken until the title and land split (from Strandberg property) <br />is cleared. <br />2. A certificate of survey be provided to verify the size of the property. <br />