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MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS <br />OF THE <br />HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />July 25, 1984 <br />The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Lorch at 6:59PM. <br />PRESENT: Lorch, Fashingbauer, Atkinson, Rudisill <br />ABSENT: Schoeller, Olson, Potts <br />Motion made by Rudisill, second by Atkinson to approve the minutes <br />of July 11, 1984 after the following correction; <br />change co-chairman to Vice-chairman Potts. <br />The regular meeting was recessed at 7:04PM and the public hearing <br />called to order at 7:05 PM. <br />Lloyd Sathre - Public hearing - Mr. Sathre has applied for a Special <br />Use Permit to raise non- omestic animals on 35 acres on Sunset Lake. <br />He currently has six cows. Mr. Sathre stated the animals are pri- <br />marily near an old barn near 132nd St., approximately 200-3001 from <br />the lake. Residents attending the meeting in protest of the permit; <br />Robert Olson 12980 Ingersoll <br />Dick Sinkler 12967 Ingersoll <br />Gordon Gilde 12422 Ingersoll <br />John Tschida 12855 Homestead <br />Julie and Tom Crever 12942 Ingersoll <br />Doug Kruse 12616 Ingersoll <br />Their major concerns were odor, expense of treating Sunset Lake <br />for algae, runoff from the higher land through the Sathre property <br />carrying the bacteria into the lake. The public hearing was closed <br />at 8:23PM. The regular meeting reconvened at 8:24PM. <br />Letters were accepted from Joel Peterson and Dr. & Mrs. Waters, also <br />protesting the Special Use Permit. <br />Motion made by Atkinson, second by Rudisill to recommend approval <br />of the Special Use Permit for Lloyd Sathre with the following con- <br />ditions: <br />1. Install-ftn of a fence or restraing device which will prevent <br />the cattle from depositing manure within 100' of the highest <br />limit of the wetland. <br />2. Any manure collected from barns, feed areas, paths, pens, etc. <br />shall be disposed of in an area where it will be plowed under <br />and where it cannot be conveyed overland by storm runoff into <br />Sunset Lake or the adjacent wetlands. <br />3. An earthen barrier be provided which will divert storm water <br />run-off into a holding pond area or an area where such polluted <br />storm water may be absorbed into the ground. Such pond shall <br />have a bottom elevation which is above ground water by a dis= <br />tance to be determined 'by the City engineer. Said absorbtion <br />shall be treated with sweet lime once a year during the month <br />of June. <br />