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MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING <br />HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />February 27, 1980 <br />The Special Meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Theodora Peltier at 6:32PM. <br />PRESENT: Peloquin, Peltier, Greger, Lorch, McAllister <br />Mr. Carl Dale was also present <br />1. Discussed "time limit" to send copies of Preliminary Plan to School Districts, <br />counties, and other cities. Recommend that the City Council adopt the alter- <br />native of submitting the plan to the Metro Council at the same time we send <br />out all other required copies. <br />2. A resolution must be passed by the Council prior to forwarding to Metro stating <br />that they have "reviewed" the Preliminary Plan. The resolution does not con- <br />stitute official adoption or approval by the Council. Target date to deliver <br />a Preliminary Plan to the City Council will be late March. A public hearing <br />should be held in May to stay on our timetable. Planning Commission should <br />receive preliminary drafts approximately March 10th. <br />3. Jime Houle arrived at 7:02 PM. <br />4. Reviewed maps of prime agriculture land in Hugo. Charts were prepared by SCS. <br />The definitions of prime agriculture land was discussed. There did not seem to <br />be a clear understanding of the term "prime". <br />5. The Planning Commission agreed that agriculture land is very spotty in Hugo. <br />Mr. Dale may include this in the Preliminary Plan to be sent to the City Council. <br />It will not mention the term prime agriculture land. <br />6. The city has considered gun clubs as possible land use; however, recent polls <br />and feelings against the gun clubs due to noise and environmental reasons may <br />limit the future of gun clubs. Mr. Dale may include this in the Preliminary <br />Plan to be sent to the City Council. <br />7. Motion made by Peltier, seconded by Lorch, to set a Special Meeting of the Hugo <br />Planning Commission for March 26, 1980, at 6:30 PM. All aye. Motion Carried. <br />8. Motion made by Peltier, seconded by Peloquin, to adjourn at 7:56 PM. All aye. <br />Motion Carried. <br />A,Ci <br />Mike McAllister, Acting Secretary <br />Hugo Planning Commission <br />