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MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS <br />OF THE <br />HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />July 9, 1980 <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Peltier at 8:00 PM. <br />PRESENT: Hanson, Greger, Lorch, Peltier <br />ABSENT: Peloquin, Houle, McAllister <br />Let the record show that Grace Development did not show for the recessed <br />public hearing which was to be reconvened at 7:30 PM. <br />Motion made by Greger, seconded by Lorch, to approve the minutes of June 25, <br />1980, after the following correction has been made: <br />Page 2 (1st line) - Hanson expressed concern regarding where water would drain <br />if the A & W property was developed. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />GRACE DEVELOPMENT - SUBDIVISION <br />The public hearing for Grace Development will be recessed until they provide <br />requested information and ask to be placed on the agenda. Grace Development <br />to be notified of this action. <br />MR TOURTIST CAMP <br />Mr. Rameden provided a statement authorizing Sandee Thesenvitz to represent <br />him in all matters until he is able to act on his own behalf. <br />The proposed building will house a grocery store, bathrooms, laundry facility, <br />and recreation vehicle equipment. Ms. Thesenvitz stated that Mr. Ramaden would <br />like to expand the operation and clean up the whole area in order to make the <br />property more profitable. The park would be opened April through November only. <br />Greger stated that he was opposed to the park becoming a trailer park rather <br />than an over night facility. Ms. Thesenvitz stated that the park could not <br />accommodate trailers over 8' wide. <br />Hanson and Lorch agreed that any improvement to the property would be of <br />benefit to the city, and if handled properly, could become an asset. Mr. Rameden <br />is planning on changing access to the property from Highway 61 to 175th Street. <br />Motion made by Hanson, seconded by Greger, to set a public hearing for August 13, <br />1980, at 7:30 PM, to consider the request of Kassen Rameden for a Special Use <br />Permit tocperate a seasonal trailer camp in the RB district. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />