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MINUTES Or THE PROCEEDINGS <br />OF TILE <br />HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />December 14, 1977 <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ehret at 8:18 PM. <br />PRESENT: Ehret, Peloquin, Peltier, Greger, Rosenquist, and McAllister <br />Dan Koehler, Washington County Planning, was also present. <br />ABSENT: Gillen (Mr. Gillen arrived at 11:20 PM). <br />Motion by Peltier, seconded by Peloquin, to approve the minutes of November 16, 1977, <br />with the following changes: <br />Page 2 (Schmidt) — bar and restaurants are not permitted in all zoning districts. <br />Permitted by special use only. <br />Page 3 (Last line — 2 ty planning <br />Page 4 0"l) — of a fence <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />RICHARD BUSSE — EXTENSION OF INGERSOLL AVENUE <br />Mr. Busse was present and stated that it would cost him $250.00 each for perc <br />tests on the two building sites on his property. Sites would also need excavation. <br />He had talked to Howard Kuusisto about curving the road to the present Ingersoll <br />Avenue, and that would take 25 year old evergreens. If they cut through his <br />property in the rear, shoring would have to be constructed, and he felt this would <br />ruin the appearance of his home. Ehret suggested that Mr. Busse consider Planned <br />Unit Development, and discuss the matter with Dan Koehler, Washington County. <br />This would possibly eliminate alot of the zoning requirements. <br />Ehret made motion, seconded by Peltier, to table Mr. Busse's request pending further <br />investigation and consultation with Washington County Planner, Dan Koehler. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />Richard & Larry Schmidt — Special Use Permit <br />The Schmidts' were present, and presented their site plan for the old Nashville <br />North. A report was received from Iiugo's Fire Chief which is on file. A new <br />septic system with two more tanks (4000 gallons) and two 15' x 100' drain fields <br />have been installed as per recommendation from the State Health Department. The <br />lighting, as indicated oii the site plan, was discussed. Rosenquist suggested that <br />the Schmidts' write in on the original drawing all the comments about the drain <br />fields and lighting as discussed. Koehler stated that the site plan should have <br />fencing indicated around the drain field area, 3' bummer curbs or fence 1' in from <br />lot line,13 blue spruce 10' on If parking was eliminated from the front <br />of the building, 4�t ck u -u<- 5 Cuzco. He stated that the county did not <br />agree with the septic system requirements as stated by the Health Department. He <br />would recommend that, they install water meters and ground water inspection well. <br />Ehret said they would need to blacktop sufficient area for seating capacity (one <br />narking spot for every three in seating capacity. Schmidt Mated that they can <br />park 122 on blacktop now. Ehret suggested that they index on the original drawin„ <br />the location and size of the septic system, the type of lighting, and have ready <br />for the public hearing in December 28, 1977, proof of oimership. <br />