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City Council meeting of February 7, 1994 <br />Page 5 <br />identified by City staff for sealcoating be provided to the Washington <br />County Public Works Department, and estimated quantities, for the City's <br />participation in the County's 1994 selected project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />1994 BUILDING PERMIT REPORT <br />The Council reviewed a report of the building activity in the City of Hugo <br />during 1993, as prepared by the City's Building Inspector, John Benson. <br />There was no action needed relative to this matter. <br />RECOMMENDATION FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT' HIRING FREEZE <br />Previously, the Council received a copy of a letter sent by the City <br />Administrator to Fire Chief, Jim Wisner, regarding concerns raised on the <br />legality on the City's current process for selecting new fire fighters. <br />The City Administrator recommended that the Council place a hiring freeze <br />on new fire fighters until such time as a revised Operations Manual for <br />the Department, including revision of the hiring process, is completed. <br />The revised Operations Manual is expected to be available for Council <br />consideration by May 1, 1994. Mayor Stolt man expressed concern that the <br />City was changing policy after the City had received applications. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, that the City place a hiring freeze on <br />new fire fighters until such time as a revised Operations Manual is <br />completed and approved by the City Council. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Stolt man <br />Motion Carried. <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACI <br />The WCGMA of 1994 establishes a two-tier occupancy tax levied on the value <br />of all newly -built structures in Washington Count'/. The proceeds for Such <br />taX would be used to mitigate public costs from development, for expansion <br />and improvement of parks, protection of open space, and for low-income, <br />senior housing. The Act includes freezing of the MUSA as it exists on <br />April 1, 1994, and includes other restrictions on development in <br />Washington County for a period of 10 years. Representative Pam Neary, <br />sponsor of the Act, has scheduled three forums of this proposal. The <br />Council will discuss this matter on February, 1994, after attendance at <br />one of the meetings. <br />MARCH MEETING WITH LINO LAKES CITY COUNCIL <br />The Lino Lakes City Council has requested another meeting with the Hugo <br />City Council to continue discussion on items of mutual concern to the <br />communities. The Council decided on March 28 or March 30 to hold a joint <br />meeting with Lino Lakes. <br />