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City Council meeting of February 7, 1994 <br />Page 6 <br />FEBRUARY MEETING WITH E_NV I RONM_ENTAL _C_O_MM_I TTEE <br />Miron made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to schedule a special Council <br />meeting for February 14, 1994, 7:30 PM, Hugo City Hall, to meet with the <br />Comprehensive Review Committee for discussion of the Committee's findings <br />and recommendations for City policies. This would include review of the <br />City's Water Management. Flan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />M I SCELLANEOLUIS_ <br />The City received a letter from a resident regarding pet control. The <br />Council will be reviewing an animal control ordinance in the near future <br />that should address the concerns raised in the letter. <br />S_TOLTZMA_N_AGREEMENT <br />A+revised Agreement and new Resolution were submitted by the City Attorney <br />for Council review. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, that the revised Agreement and <br />Resolution for forwarded to the Stoltzman attorney, and this matter to be <br />placed on the Council agenda for 02/22/94. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Miron <br />ABSTAINED: Stoltzman <br />Motion Carried. <br />1MPROVEMENTS ON COUNTY ROAD 8A <br />Miron made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to schedule a special meeting of <br />the Hugo City Council. for March 9, 1994, at. 7:00 PM, Hugo City Hall, for <br />the purpose of discussion of the improvements to be made on County Road <br />8A. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CHANGE IN COUNCIL_ MEETING DATESr' <br />Because most legal holidays fall on the 1st or .'rd Nonday of the month, <br />which is also Council meeting dates, City Administrator Museus suggested <br />that the Council consider the possibility of changing the Council meeting <br />dates to the end and 4th Monday of the month. <br />RCWD <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, directing City staff to _send a letter <br />to the RCWD stating that the City of Hugo is in favor of the proposed <br />amendments to the District's 509 Plan, which would pay for maintenance of <br />the judicial ditch system by ad valorem taxes. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron seconded, to adjourn at 10:10 PM. <br />A aye. i Carried. <br />Mto -, fv l <br />e c• <br />