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MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF_FEBRUAFY Z2. 1994 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stoltzman at 7:OOPM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Brunotte, Leroux, Miron, Stoltzman, Attorney Greg <br />Galler, Administrator Museus <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Brunotte, to approve the Minutes of <br />February 7, 1994 as amended. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Stoltzman, to approve the Minutes of <br />February 14, 1994 as amended. <br />AYE: Barnes, Leroux, Stoltzman <br />ABSTAIN: Brunotte, Miron <br />Motion passed. <br />RICE CREEK WATERSHED DISCUSSION <br />Kate Drewry, Administrator for the Rice Creek Watershed District, made a <br />presentation to the Council regarding the history of the RCWD and proposed <br />programs for maintenance of the public ditches under- it's authority. <br />Status of the District's proposal to fund such maintenance through an ad <br />valorem property tax was also reviewed . <br />Notion made by Barnes, seconded by Leroux to Rice Creek Watershed District <br />on the March 7, 1994 agenda to discuss funding alternatives. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />c.Tl_L- 4 APPRQI jL iMEETR[_i STEEL... <br />.-..._ ........... ...............J.... <br />Dan Eldridge, representing Metro Steel, has requested site plan approval <br />and a variance for access to a public street. Metro Steel currently awns <br />two parcels. Parcel one is part of L_.ot. 1, Block .1., Bald Eagle Industrial <br />Park. Parcel two :is adjacent: to the north and is described by metes and <br />bounds. Metro Steel intends to s.el.l parcel one to another manufacturer <br />and temporarily continue use of parcel two for steel fabrication until it <br />can be sold. Metro Steel desi.s-es to use an easement across parcel one to <br />130th Street as a driveway to parcel 2 until such time as Farnham Avenue <br />can be improved to the site. Representatives from Metro Steel stated that <br />they would be willing to commit 4:u the improvement nt:. of Farnham Avenue <br />within the next three years. Staff f'i had not identified any problem with <br />Metro Steel's continuing the use of parcel 2 for steel fabrication, given <br />reasonable provision for the extension of Farnham Ave. 'Staff recommended <br />approval of the site plan and variance subject to special conditions. <br />Motion made by Stoltzman, seconded by Miron, to approve the site plan and <br />variance for Metro Steel as stated above subject to the following special. <br />conditions: <br />