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City Council Minutes of February 2, 1994 <br />Page <br />1. An agreement between Metro Steel and the City of Hugo insuring Metro <br />Steel will bring parcel 2 into compliance with all City and state <br />regulatory requirements by May 1, 1997, or discontinue use of the <br />property. <br />2. Metro Steel provide the City with security through a letter of credit <br />or other means adequate to ensure the extension of the street and <br />utilities from 130th Street to the north property line of parcel 2. <br />This agreement would not rule out the option of improving the road by <br />petition under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, if such an action is <br />proven feasible and acceptable to the Council. <br />3. Any street, utilities, or any other necessary improvements be recorded <br />with the deeds at Washington County. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />SEPTIC VIOLATIONS <br />Administrator Museus requested authority to direct the City Attorney to <br />begin legal proceedings regarding two identified violations of the City's <br />Individual Sewage Treatment Ordinance. Letterwould be sent to the <br />property owners -in question in an attemp to have them bring their septic <br />systems into compliance. Followed by court action if required. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Barnes to authorize Attorney Galler to <br />commence, :legal proceedings as necessary to bring them into compliance with <br />City ordinance. <br />All aye, motion passed <br />REOUESTE1:) RE:: OL.1!•'f I ON - DIS R 7: L: lML' Mf]R I AL_ L� SE 7: TA :- <br />Mr. Galler- stated that there are two alternatives for being released from <br />the hospital district. One would be to petition the district to leave it, <br />the second would require special. legislation. Mr. Galler felt that <br />waiting until, negotiations between the health network providers is <br />complete to take any action. Council may consider a resolution adopted by <br />Columbus Township regarding the proposed negotiation between the Forest <br />Lake District Memorial Hospital and health care networks. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Leroux to di.rect. lair-. Bailer to change <br />the format and include the taxing alternatives. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT <br />Council reviewed a proposed resolution regarding the Washington County <br />Growth Management Act of 1994 cinder consideration by Representative G=am <br />Neary. <br />Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Brunotte to adopt RESOLUTION 1994--2, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />