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City Council Minutes - February 22, 1994 <br />Page ._, <br />MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL <br />Administrator Museus stated that the Minnesota Department of <br />Transportation intends to install a traffic signal at the intersection of <br />Co. Rd. 8 and Highway 61 in the City. MNDOT desires to enter into an <br />agreement outlining the operational and maintenance responsibilities that <br />the City of Hugo will incur after installation of the traffic control <br />signal. This would include cleaning, painting, and lamping the system, as <br />well as paying for the electrical energy used in its operation. <br />Councilmember Barnes indicated that such cost sharing may be inappropriate <br />given the City does not maintain any of the roadways which would be under <br />control by the signal. The administratin presented the council with a <br />copy of Washington County's recently adopted policy regarding cost sharing <br />of traffic signal maintenance. <br />Some council members felt that a change in policy for this installation <br />and maintenance of this signal., as compared to other communities, does not <br />seem equitable, particularly because the City of Hugo has no leg which the <br />Signal will regulate. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Barnes to direct staff to send a letter <br />to the count;- commissioners indicating the City's objection to current <br />county policy regarding cost sharing for maintenance of traffic.: signals. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />ENG I NEER I NG P'ROP'OSALS <br />Administrator Museus stated that eleven engineering firm= have responded <br />to the City's request for proposals for engineering services. Mr. Museus <br />short listed the group to five firms of varying sizes. ..I..I-ey are <br />Hakanson-Anderson, Assoc; MSA Consulting Engineers; Howard Kuusisto; TKDA; <br />Short, Elliot, Hendrickson. Mr. Ed de LaForest from the firm of <br />Orr-Schelen•-Mayeron (OSM) was present and requested that the Council <br />consider his firm as a candidate for engineering services. <br />Motion made by Stolt man, seconded by Leroux to send Letters of thanks to <br />the firms not included on the short list., for their participation and <br />interest in serving the City of Hugo. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Motion made try, Miron, seconded by Brunot.te, to accept and interview the <br />short list of five engineering firms, prepared by the Administrator and <br />add to the list the firm of Orr-Schelen-Ma.yeron for consideration. <br />All aye, motion passed. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Leroux to schedule meetings with the <br />selected firms to visit their sites the ween:. of March 7th, 1994. <br />AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Leroux, Miron <br />ABSTAIN: Stolt man <br />