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City Council meeting of March 7, 1994 <br />Page _ <br />AUTO DISMANTLING LICENSE (MODERN RECYCLING) <br />AUTO DISMANTLING LICENSE (HUGO AUTO PARTS) <br />AUTO DISMANTLING LICENSE (SCHUMANN) <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to table all Auto Dismantling Licenses <br />until the meeting of March 21, 1994. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />12. PARK: USE REQUEST (MERTES ) <br />Mrs. Joan Mertes has requested permission to use the Hugo part: for a <br />wedding reception on August 27, 1994. She wishes to have live <br />entertainment in the form of a DJ, as well as serve alcohol. Chapter iii) <br />of the City Code (City Farb; Ordinance) is silent on the consumption of <br />alcohol in City parkas. If the Council wishes to permit the consumption of <br />alcohol at this event, staff recommends that no sales of alcoholic <br />beverages be allowed, and the permittee provide the City with proof of <br />adequate liability insurance. If the Council desires to grant this <br />request, staff recommends limiting the hours of live entertainment to no <br />later than 1(--):O0 PM, as a courtesy to adjacent homeowners. <br />Mir -on made motion. L.eroUX seconded, to deny the request of Joan Mertes to <br />provide alcohol beverages to guests, and have music provided by a disc <br />jockey, in the City park because of potential problems of liability to the <br />City and noise affecting adjacent property owner. She may reapply for <br />reserving the parb:. on AUqust 27, 1994. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ROARI:) OF ADJUSTMENT RESIGNATION <br />Mr. Bob Ellman submitted his resignation from the Zoning Board of <br />Adjustment due to a work. conflict. Eased on concerns raised during recent <br />appointments to the Planning Commission, that there should be balance in <br />City Boards by voting wards, the Council may wish to consider an <br />appointment f r -:?m Ward 2 or- __`7 to f i 1 I. this position. <br />Miron made moti.oii, Brunotte seconded, to place an ad in the local papers <br />in an effort to fill the v,�-tcancy on the Board of Zoning Adjustments. <br />A 1 1 i:tye. Motion Carried. <br />Barnes. made mcitiori.. Stolt: man <br />Hobert Ellman from the Board <br />"thanks" be sent to him. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />seconded, to accept the resignation of <br />of Aloning Adjustments, and a letter of <br />LETTER OF CREDIT REDUCTION (RILE. LAKE MEADOWS) <br />Mr. Jim Merila, representing K.enco Construction Company, has requested a <br />reduction in the letter of credit for Rice Lake Meadows, Phase 1, from <br />