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City Council meeting of March 21, 1994 <br />Page _ <br />Leroux made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the variance request of <br />Kenneth Granger to construct a 109 square foot sign at the 61 Stop, 1481' <br />Forest Boulevard North, which exceeds the allowable limit by over 100%. <br />Variance approval is base on the fact that there are no other options <br />available to Mr. Granger for sign replacement. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />GRADING FLAN (COUNTRY PONDS) <br />Mr. Tony Emmerich is acquiring the development known as Country Fonds, and <br />has requested permission from the City to begin grading the site prior to <br />plat approval. Mr. Emmerich is concerned because delineation of wetlands <br />on the site by the Corps of Engineers has delayed platting of the <br />property. In order not to lose the ability to construct on the site <br />during 1994, he wishes to begin grading in the near future. The City's <br />practice has been not to allow grading a site until after the final plat <br />has been approved and recorded. Mr. Emmerich has indicated that he <br />understands the City's policy, and he is willing to accept all liability <br />and responsibility for the grading. He understands that if the final <br />plat approved by the City for the property requires regrading of the site, <br />such regrading will be his responsibility. Staff recommends approval of <br />the grading permit conditioned upon Mr. Emmerich obtaining all necessary <br />permits from RCWD, Corps of Engineer=, DN{, and other agencies, as well <br />post security approved by the City Engineer adequate to stabilize the <br />soils and restore vegetation on the site, if the development is not <br />approved. It was the consensus of the Council to wait until the Planning <br />Commission reviewed the preliminary plat. on 3/21/94. <br />Miron made motion, 8toltzman seconded, to {:able this matter until the 1::_.i.t.;: <br />Council meeting of April 4, 1994. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AUTO REC`r CL... I NC L I C:ENSES <br />On March 7, 1994, the City Council considered the license applications <br />Hugo Auto farts, David Schumann, Modern Auto and Modern Recycling, and <br />staff reported on the business'compliance with 'F'.{hfiir special use Cit:l'-mi.i::.7=. <br />and the City ;-, ..... - �.-.. <br />�> auto recycling �.1;t.., r -f zn<<nc.... The Council ;::::,-; action <br />requests until tonight's meeting 1_n order to allow applicants the <br />opportunity to attend.. <br />hl(":.lrirC' and Mike Brandt wers present at the Me2ting, and Mika Brandt <br />addressed te matter of <br />sarnaning We 4F• f.::r t rtyHe statRn rhat trees will <br />n i::! t:. live and fencing wi.l not stand,, <br />Stoltzman made motion, Miron 'i : iii E i:.! I' I l :! til {:' ru approve th, Auto i i c-. ft l c31" i _ i <br />License of Hugo Auto Parts. !6b!5 i C ' i r o the <br />following conditions: <br />